Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense


FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month

Hello and welcome to FOCUS on BOOKS, the latest series sparked by my love of reading, we will dive into the fascinating, familiar, and new worlds created by authors. Every third Wednesday, join us for a celebration of storytelling—spotlighting books, conversing with guest authors, and sharing my personal reading recommendations.  Giveaways, surprises, and games will add to the fun.

My love of reading sparked the series, FOCUS ON BOOKS. While the purpose is to offer an opportunity for author friends to shout about their books, I am delighted to meet new-to-me authors and discover their books. The best part is introducing writers and sharing their stories with you!

My October guest is Marsha R. West, a talented storyteller and a dear friend from the days when we were both newbies in the writing business. 

Congratulations, Marsha, on your new release, #4 in the Second Chances Series.


My church is service-oriented, and through that work, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about folks experiencing homelessness. I wanted to share some of that info with others. I had a heroine from the second book I wrote (an unpublished one) that I really liked. I pulled her back into my consciousness and set her in the current day, gave her sisters, and used her backstory. She deserved to have her happily ever after. I hope DETERMINED will help folks look with a more open heart for those without a home and decide to get involved.

Thanks so much for hosting me, J. Q. I’d love to chat with your readers. 😊 Marsha

A Second Chance Romantic Suspense
Marsha R. West


Real estate developer Hollister Grant (Holly) and her sisters Lee and Kay are determined to build a tiny home project for people who’ve recently been homeless, but Barrett Armstrong, president of a nearby homeowner association doesn’t want “those people” living near his neighborhood. He will do anything to prevent the land’s development. Anything.

Dan Morgan, Holly’s long-time friend and lawyer, wants to continue to help Holly with the project but sees his feelings for the woman moving past friendship and fears, but because of her past experiences, she isn’t ready for a change in their relationship. And might not ever be. Should he remain silent to maintain their friendship or risk everything for the chance of real love?



I’m a retired elementary school principal, a former school board member, theatre arts teacher, and I write Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required novels. I live in Texas with my supportive lawyer husband and Charley, a deaf, Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier. Our two daughters presented us with three delightful grandchildren, all who live nearby and are now teenagers!  

The theme of my eleven books is always second chances. I even named my four-part series The Second Chances Series. I believe in Happily Ever Afters. My husband picked up a plaque for me on one of our several trips to Maine that states my philosophy exactly. Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it’s not the end. The Heroines and Heroes in my books range in age from 40 to late 50s and their parents and children often play supporting roles.

I am a member of North Texas Romance Writers, Texas Authors Institute, and the WORD BY WORD Blog. I send out a monthly newsletter and give away an e-book to some lucky commenter. I enjoy making presentations to groups, and several times, I’ve taught a Silver Frogs class on Indie Publishing for Texas Christian University. 

My books can be found on AMAZON, B & N, KOBO, and iTunes. Print books are available at Draft 2 Digital and Amazon.

Click here for more information and links to her books on her website 

Click here  to sign up for her  NEWSLETTER  





https://www.twitter.com/Marsharwest  @Marsharwest




Marsha R. West (Author of Vermont Escape) | Goodreads

Marsha R. West Books - BookBub

Amazon Author page https://amzn.to/456bBUy

Trailer Links Marsha R. West books

DETERMINED https://youtu.be/UB40vwfuAHc

TAINTED  https://youtu.be/URl5DnN3w4c

COMPROMISE https://youtu.be/KM0ACQn5Bzs

VULNERABLE https://youtu.be/Q2uaEusbZtI

Thanks for being my guest, Marsha!

* * * 

Perfect for Halloween! Horror story and Ghost story
Click here to download these scary, but fun books to read
on sale for $1.99 at Smashwords through October 31
Also available to download from your favorite digital bookseller
Paperback at amazon and bn.com

JQ Rose

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

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Susan Bernhardt said...

DETERMINED sounds like a great book. Looking forward to reading it.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, I'm ready for another of Marsha's entertaining novels.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Everyone deserves a second chance - good theme.

Marsha said...

Hey, Susan. Thanks for sharing on FB. I had the dates wrong on my calendar. LOL Appreciate your support. :)

Marsha said...

Hey, J. Q. Thanks so much for having me. Sorry I'm late to arrive. I marked my calendar wrong. Spent the day working on a presentation for TCU Silver Frogs in November for their Silver Frogs group. I'll share this tomorrow , too. :)

Marsha said...

Hey, Alex. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, that is really the theme in all my books--second chances. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense

  FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month Hello and welcome to  FOCUS on BOOKS, the latest series sparked by my love of r...

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