Tuesday, September 3, 2024

IWSG Blog Hop: English Teachers and Me, #IWSGbloghop


Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. 
To find out more, click here.
The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns 
without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 

You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. 
Click here to sign-up and/or to visit the bloggers this week.

Happy IWSG Day!

Thank you to our awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG -- Beth Camp, Jean Davis, Yvonne Ventresca, and PJ Colando!


September 4 question - Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

I'm sorry. I have no answer to this question. How boring am I???

I can tell you how many of my teachers encouraged me to write though. Mrs. Prior sent in one of my stories to a children's magazine and the magazine published it. I remember Ms. Oldaker and her red pen. Her input helped me write better. My professor in college wanted me to switch my major from elementary education to English. He had quite a system for writing which I followed exactly in order to get an A in his classes. I did not switch, but I believe subconciously I absorbed that system and use it to this day when writing nonfiction.

I am looking forward to reading bloggers' answers this month. I'm sure they will jog my memories of English class. 
Thank you for stopping in...

Wishing you all a super September!!!

FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month

UPDATE: A new series on the Focused on Story Blog, FOCUS on BOOKS. 

Click here to visit my first guest in the series, Sandra Cox, who kicked off the inaugural event in August.

Join us as we focus on authors and their books. New-to-you authors , best-selling, debut, favorite, and classic authors and any in between will be highlighted every third Wednesday of the month. C ya' here on Wednesday, September 18!


JQ Rose presenting a workshop on telling life stories.

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you had such encouraging teachers.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I didn't have an answer either. It's great that your teachers were supportive of your writing.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Once I shared my writing with my English teachers, they were also very encouraging.

J.Q. Rose said...

@Natalie @Diane--I'm glad your teachers were helpful too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, I hope you did too, Alex.

Jean Davis said...

Teachers are the best! I started writing in third grade thanks to an the encouragement of a teacher.

Lynn said...

After reading multiple comments on how kids were mistreated in the classroom, it's refreshing to read the positive influence received from teachers.

Melissa said...

Love the new blog series. Best of luck!

Lynn said...

After reading multiple comments on how kids were mistreated in the classroom, it's refreshing to read the positive influence students received from teachers.

emaginette said...

Apparently, you've got skills. hehehe

Yvonne Ventresca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yvonne Ventresca said...

Great to hear your positive experience!
(Deleted my previous comment because of typos.)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I wish every child could meet that "awesome" teacher. Mine was my grade 11 English teacher who also encouraged me to write. I'm like you, I'll never forget him.

IWSG Blog Hop: Who Would I Like to Be Today? #IWSGbloghop

  Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop #IWSGbloghop What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group? Founded by author   Alex J. Cavanaug...

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