Tuesday, August 20, 2024

FOCUS ON BOOKS: Author Sandra Cox's Mateo's Woman Kicks Off the New Series #focusonbooks

FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month


Today begins a new series on the Focused on Story Blog, FOCUS on BOOKS. Join me as we focus on authors and their books. The authors may be new to you or you have already enjoyed their stories. I love finding new authors to read. You too? 

I spotlight books, interview guests, and share books I have enjoyed reading. You are invited to pop in every third Wednesday of the month. Engage with the authors and readers. Surprises and games will add to the fun.


My honorary "cousin" and fabulous storyteller, Sandra Cox, kicks off the very first posting with her just released Mateo's Woman--Book #3 in the Mateo series, and it's a page-turner!

You may be curious when Sandra and I comment on a post or visit each other's blog we call each other honorary cousins. We met at the Insecure Writers Support Group monthly get-togethers. I finally gathered enough courage to ask her if we might be related because my mother's maiden name is Cox. Turns out, we don't think so. But maybe way back in the ancestry? Who knows? 

I'm so happy I asked her and she didn't laugh or think I was weird. Well, I don't think she did. ???

I began reading her books and, I was hooked on her Westerns. I didn't even consider reading a Western, although my childhood was filled with my beloved cowboy stars, Randolph Scott, Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger movies and TV shows.

Sandra includes all the action of the Old West like cattle drives and bad guys in black hats in her Westerns. But against such a fabulous backdrop, a romance weaves throughout with the main characters you'll cheer on to overcome their conflicts and fall in love.

NOTE--you can find  Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop (IWSG) on the first Wednesday of every month #IWSGbloghop



Mateo's Woman Book #3--Mateo Series
Sandra Cox

BACK OF THE BOOK--Mateo's Woman.

Delilah is dead.

With her demise, everyone should be safe, but something insidious is happening to Mateo’s town and to the woman he loves. People are dying and Blair is changing, taking on mannerisms that are clearly not her own. Becoming a danger to herself and others. He has no idea what is happening to the town’s people but he has an inkling of what is happening to Blair and what he’s thinking just isn’t possible. But whether it’s possible or not, he has to pry Blair from the evil that’s sunk its fangs into her. Now it's a race against time to save the woman he loves and get to the bottom of who is killing Grizzly’s citizenry. And if that’s not enough of a challenge for the shapeshifting sheriff, his future mother-in-law has come for a visit.

Character Facts


Chief Deputy Blair Delaney lately of Grizzly, Montana is a transplant from Atlanta and while she may look like a cover model, she’s a lawbreaker’s worst nightmare.

She loves her rusty, old, backfiring truck Beaulah.

She also loves listening to the Full Moon Band that plays at the Blue Coyote Bar every Wednesday night.



Sandra Cox, Author
Sandra, who also writes as S. Cox, is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband and several cats in sunny North Carolina.

An award-winning author, her stories consist of all things Western and more.

Click Amazon now to order the paperback or download the eBook.



Thank you for dropping by for the inaugural presentation of the FOCUS ON BOOKS SERIES!

Help me celebrate! Just for you--a FREE book of short stories by JQ Rose. DM me on Messenger to request the book. I will send you the PDF for the collection of stories that are not available for sale.

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/



Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Sandra on her new book release. And it was fun to learn more about your friendship with her.I like your new series.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Natalie!! Sandra is a special gal. Thanks to IWSG, we connected.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey, cuz, thanks for being my guest. I hope readers pick up all 3 books in the series to escape reality for a while.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks so much for featuring Mateo, Blair and I, Cuz. Appreciate ya:)
Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Natalie.

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