Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Recipes and Reads: An Inspired Recipe from Romance/Paranormal Author L. Diane Wolfe #recipes, #paranormal, #romance, #newbookrelease,


Recipes 'n Reads Series
Guest author L. Diane Wolfe

I am thrilled to welcome L. Diane Wolfe to our Recipe and Reads series which is scheduled every third Wednesday of the month. Diane shares her favorite recipe and the reasons why she chose this particular one. Plus we are celebrating the release of her book, In Darkness: The Werewolf.

In Darkness: The Werewolf by L. Diane Wolfe

Congratulations on your latest release!

Hi JQ! Thank you for having me.


The recipe I am sharing came as a moment of inspiration. My husband was watching Carnival Eats and someone had made a pizza out of a sandwich. I turned to him and said, “I bet I could do that with a Reuben.” And sure enough, it was amazing.


The photo is one of my first attempts and I have since put the Provolone only on the bottom and topped with a shredded cheese. The pizza on the bottom was made with turkey slices while the pizza on top is 100% vegan. (Mine!) If you like Reuben sandwiches, you’ll love this pizza.

Reuben Pizza



Meat slices (whatever you prefer)

1000 Island dressing

Provolone and Mozzarella or Swiss cheese


Pizza crust



Prepare your pizza crust from scratch or use store-bought

Layer on 1000 Island dressing

Layer Provolone cheese

Layer meat

Layer sauerkraut

Sprinkle with Mozzarella or Swiss cheese

Dribble a little more 1000 Island on top


Bake at 375 for 10 minutes (or as long as crust needs to bake)




In Darkness: The Werewolf By L. Diane Wolfe

ISBN 9781939844927


Souls shrouded in darkness…

On her own in England, Vicki trains at a prestigious fencing school. Face marred by a birthmark, she’s suspicious of Nicholas’ attention. A dinner date reveals his genuine interest and they begin to connect. Nicholas is attractive and she wonders why he’s so shy and reclusive.

Then one evening she happens upon him changing into a lycan. Every werewolf legend is shattered by the gentle, fearful creature before her. Vickie accepts his secret, but Nicholas knows he’s an unpredictable beast. Can they trust love enough to overcome their physical challenges?

Barnes & Noble 

About Author L.Diane Wolfe

A professional speaker and author, L. Diane Wolfe conducts seminars,

Author L. Diane Wolfe
offers book formatting, and author consultation. She’s the senior editor at Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. and contributes to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

 - Spunk On A Stick
 - Spunk On A Stick’s Tips
 - Insecure Writer’s Support Group

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Thank you for stopping by today! 


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you so much for featuring my recipe and book!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd go with the vegan one too. Congrats on your book, Diane!

J.Q. Rose said...

You are welcome! Love the recipe idea and I'm looking forward to reading a story about a sweet werewolf.

J.Q. Rose said...

Natalie, always looking for a tasty vegan recipe.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I love Reuben sandwiches!

J.Q. Rose said...

Aha, Alex. You'd love a Reuben Pizza!!

Marsha said...

Hey, J. Q. I'm always impressed with how you keep coming up with different twits to attract readers. I really like this one. Hey, Diane, nice to meet you. I love Rueben sandwiches and this sounds like something I will have to try. Good luck with your new release. I shared. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Marsha. Glad you enjoy this series! Please let me know how your Reuben pizza turns out.

Juan Maria said...

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Thank you blog admin.

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