Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Great News for Self-Publishers from Draft2Digital and Smashwords, Free Gift #selfpublishing #marketingebooks

Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!

This week I have news, updates and a GIFT for you!

Let's get to it!


Books, books, books!

I have great news for you if you are a self-publisher. If you self-publish books and are with a traditional publisher, I have great news for you too!! 

In February this year, Draft to Digital acquired Smashwords (SW). These are two heavyweights in the self-publishing industry because they publish and distribute eBooks all around the world. Instead of the friendly rivalry for the last ten years or so, they decided to join forces to provide the best of both worlds for you. And as a result, for readers too.

The Pro-Writing Aid website states--"The acquisition will “enable 250,000 authors and publishers around the world to publish, distribute, market, and manage more than 800,000 eBooks and 11,000 print-on-demand paperback books.” 

The future looks wonderful for writers if you decide to publish wide through many distributors via Draft2Digital. Note, if you are published exclusively through KDP, you cannot add your books to other distributors.

This week is when I heard the good news from Dale L. Roberts in his video about transferring books published in Draft2Digital to the Smashwords Store. Yes, Smashwords has been added as a choice for selling books for you. That is big news!

Your book

Your Words, Your Life Story: A Guide for Sharing Memories

has been published to Smashwords.

Live status updates for this book:

BorrowBox - Published on February 11, 2022, 22:30 PM

OverDrive - Published on February 11, 2022, 23:31 PM

Baker & Taylor - Published on February 12, 2022, 17:09 PM

Apple - Published on February 12, 2022, 19:26 PM

Barnes & Noble - Published on February 12, 2022, 21:06 PM

Kobo - Published on February 12, 2022, 21:27 PM

Scribd - Published on February 12, 2022, 21:27 PM

Tolino - Published on February 12, 2022, 21:27 PM

Vivlio - Published on February 12, 2022, 21:28 PM

Amazon - Published on February 12, 2022, 22:05 PM

Bibliotheca - Published on February 14, 2022, 10:39 AM

Smashwords - Published on December 12, 2022, 16:36 PM

This is the list of distributors

 I have chosen to sell my books! 

I added Smashwords this week.

Mark Coker, founder of Smashwords, announced-- 

"December 6, 2022 - Big news today.  Draft2Digital authors can now distribute to the Smashwords store!  Readers can look forward to more amazing indie ebooks, and all authors can look forward to more readers browsing and buying books.  An important milestone following Draft2Digital's acquisition of Smashwords.  Learn more about what this means for authors and readers at the Smashwords Blog.  And separately, all Smashwords authors should expect an email today reminding everyone to enroll in our big upcoming Smashwords End of Year sale.


Let me tell you how easy it is to transfer ALL of your D2Dbooks over to the Smashwords Store.

Go to your account at D2D. When you log in, a screen will appear offering you the opportunity to distribute your book through Smashwords. Just click the button that will transfer the books to Smashwords. In just a minute, you will receive a notice the books are ready to be distributed through Smashwords as well as all the other distributors you have previously chosen for your books. It's like magic!

Finally! All of my eBooks are on the same page at Smashwords.
Click here to visit my SmashWords J.Q. Rose Author Page


My mysteries and memoir published through SW by BWL Publishing are on my SW author page as well as the non-fiction books I have published through D2D. What an opportunity to get more eyes on our books, all of our books!

Now all of my books are available for 50% off
during the Smashwords End-of-Year Sale
December 15-31.

More good news!! Smashwords End-of-Year sale begins December 15, so all of my eBooks will be 50% off during this annual sale. What a fantasticopportunity to load up great reads into the new reading device you received for Christmas. Or for your old device too! LOL

Click here to find all of my books for 50% off from your favorite online bookseller!


Ho Ho Ho! 

Speaking of Christmas, I have a gift for you--a collection of short stories from 350 words in the story to about 1000 words. The perfect story length for you to take a break from the madness of the holidays.

This is not a gimmick. Your email will not be added to my newsletter when you

 click here to download the eBook.

This is a gift for you, my blog followers and friends.

My heart is happy when I share my stories with you and you giggle or groan when you read them. 

 The eBook is not available to buy online so you can't leave a review. If you have a minute, I would appreciate feedback about the collection or specific story. 

Please leave a comment below or email me at jqrose02@gmail dot com. 

Thank you!

The Rose Courier

If you want to stay up-to-date with JQ, the Rose Courier is delivered quarterly to your inbox. Filled with articles, freebies, photos and fun! 
Click here to get your copy of the Winter edition in January.

Click here to be notified when a new article is posted on this blog.

Happy Holidays from J.Q. Rose


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