Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Historical Romance Author Rosemary Morris' New Release: The Viscount and the Orphan #newrelease #historical romance

Novels by Historical Romance Author Rosemary Morris

Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!

I am thrilled to have my English friend and talented storyteller, Rosemary Morris, as a guest author today. Rosemary is thorough when researching the amazing stories she creates to be sure every bit of the history is true. Then she layers a beautiful romance with the historical era as the backdrop. She uses the language of the time, the clothing and the settings to bring you into the stories with characters you will love--or hate!

The Viscount and the Orphan by Rosemary Morris
Historical Fiction

To avoid bankruptcy, Viscount Cavanagh cannot refuse an arranged marriage

 to Dorinda Davenport, 

a naïve, sixteen-year-old heiress, who believes it is a love-match. 


Congratulations, Rosemary, on your new release, the Viscount and the Orphan! Available now! Where do you get your ideas for your novels?

Thank you, Janet, for inviting me to be a guest on your blog.

I am often asked where I get ideas for my novels. Historical non-fiction is a source of inspiration. Besotted by everything Scottish—the clothing, the pipes and the dancing, she and her husband raised the 92nd Foot, or as they are commonly known, The Gordon Highlanders. On the eve of the battle at Waterloo, Pipe Major Alexander Cameron led the Scots dancers into the ballroom while playing the bagpipes. Later, the regiment marched out of Brussels, kilts swaying to the tune of the regimental march, Cock O’ the North played by drums and bagpipes. The poignant scene sparked my imagination. I wrote Monday’s Child in which the heroine, an artist, captures the anxiety underlying the gaiety in Brussels paints during the 100 days after Napoleon’s escape from Elba.

After I studied how Christmas was celebrated during the Regency era, I enjoyed writing Wednesday’s Child about Amelia, a poor little, orphaned rich girl. After her grandmother, who held strictly to her own set of rules and made her do the same dies, she is cast into a state of gloom. She knows little of the ways of a normal life until she is thrust into the boisterous household of the Earl of Saunton, entrusted with her guardianship. During the twelve days of Christmas, Amelia wants to join in bobbing for apples, snapdragon, hunt the slipper and other amusements. She refrains for fear Saunton and his family would tease her without mercy when any attempt revealed she did not know how to play the games.

As well as eight novels set in the Regency era, three set in the early 18th century have been published.  The theme in Far Beyond Rubies took root when I read about young men who joined the East India Company. Many of them were sent up country, business was transacted by courier, and for years they did not see another European. Influenced by Hinduism, my hero questions whether reincarnation is a fact and becomes a vegetarian. This led to the plot which evolves after he returns to England and sees the heroine. 

Click here to purchase Rosemary's novels, scroll down the page to her book covers and click on the book cover to choose your favorite online bookstore.

Click here to purchase the Viscount and the Orphan 50% off for a limited time at the Smashwords Fall eBook Sale.


I live in a town in Southeast England with easy access to London and the open countryside. My Literary/Romantic fiction is set in England during the reigns of Edward II, Queen Anne Stuart 1702-1714, and the ever-popular Regency era. I explore themes

Author Rosemary Morris 
 21st-century people can relate to e.g., a soldier suffering from posttraumatic syndrome before the condition was recently diagnosed, a young woman seeking her birth parents, and a city on the verge of war. At heart, I am a historian. My novels are meticulously researched to capture times past – speech, fashion, food, customs and much more.

My novels, which have received many 5* reviews, are sensual, but with firmly-closed bedroom doors, the reader can relish the details of emerging romances.

When I am not engrossed in researching historical non-fiction, I read fiction, write, or engage in ‘writerly’ activities. I enjoy time spent with family and friends, knitting, growing my organic garden and putting it to good use in my vegetarian cuisine. 

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Thanks so much for visiting with us, Rosemary!

Rosemary loves hearing from her readers. Her email address is srilekharach (at) hotmail (dot).com

 Click here to read the first three chapters of her novels at Rosemary's website.

* * * * 

Click here to purchase my mysteries and memoir at

50% off for a limited time 

during the Smashwords Fall eBook Sale

Thank you.

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