Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Short Story Time: Moonglow by J.Q. Rose #writeeditpublish #shortstory #2022challenge


Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog--a short version today!

Why? Because I am participating in the Write-Edit-Publish Challenge--a story of less than 1000 words! This is the first time I have stretched my short storytelling muscles with this group.  

I am entering the August Challenge scheduled for Wednesday, August 17- Thursday, August 19.  The prompt is Moonlight Sonata. 

The Write Edit Publish Now Site gives participants a few ideas---

"There are a million potential ways to interpret this challenge - use the title to define your setting, a water body, a full moon, a floating craft, a romantic evening...

Use it to devise your character - a werewolf, a vampire, a modern-day witch/wizard...

Use the backstory to create your flash about circumstances scuppering a relationship...or a nickname coming to define something/someone...

Beethoven's life itself can inspire a thousand stories - listen to his music composed 200+ years ago and go where the muse takes you. And take us right along with you for the ride."

Now, what story will I tell using this prompt? Check back tomorrow to find out. Plus, you will be able to read all the submissions by the rest of the bloggers. I'm looking forward to tales of humor, mystery, paranormal, historical and more!

Looking forward to your return and your feedback too.

C ya' tomorrow (or if you can't be here tomorrow, the story will be up until next Tuesday).

PS--Click here to find out more about this site and the challenges.

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