Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Back-to-School Day Celebration with Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women, #99centbooks #teachers #backtoschool


Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women
by J.Q.Rose
Non-fiction eBook for Girls 10-13 years old
Empowering Girls to Dream Big!!

Hello and WELCOME to the Focused on Story Blog!

Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women
by JQ Rose


When Fall rolls around every year, I recall those back-to-school days, not only as a student but also as a teacher. Contrary to most teachers, I loved creating bulletin boards. I delighted in returning to my musty classroom and getting the books and supplies ready for the new year. 

I think teachers are lucky to have two opportunities to start fresh in one year--on January 1st and when beginning a new, exciting school year.

I am not a public school teacher at this point in my life, but I still have the heart of a teacher thanks to my mother and grandmother being teachers. I love teaching, so as an author, I teach creative writing classes and present workshops on writing life stories. 

Life Storytellers Workshop

This past weekend I returned to my hometown library in Atlanta, Illinois, to present a workshop made up of many classmates. It was a joy to share my program on life storytelling and recall memories with my friends so long ago. 

My hometown library, Atlanta Public Library
Atlanta, Illinois


I have discounted Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women, an interactive eBook to inspire girls to dream big, to celebrate these Back-to-School days! 

I interviewed amazing women for Girls Succeed! They shared their stories about their successful careers and how they made their dreams come true. 

Working with girls and young women at a girls' summer camp in 2003-2007 gave me the opportunity to meet outstanding, talented campers and camp counselors. They made me realize the bright promise for their future was within reach if the girls pursued their passion to make their aspirations happen. The contemporary role models in Girls Succeed share stories that will inspire girls to work toward turning their childhood dreams into reality.

Amazing role models for girls.
Classroom teachers and home school educators 
will appreciate the Reader's Guide included in the book.

Below is a list of the women and their careers.

Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women

Table of Contents

Chapter 1--Horse Trainer/Competitive Dressage Rider, Pati Pierucci

Chapter 2--Bike Racer, Mackenzie Woodring

Chapter 3--Children’s Book Author and Illustrator, Jane Stroschin

Chapter 4--Medical Doctor, Cate Bradley

Chapter 5--Chef, Sue Chef, 

Chapter 6--Technology Expert, Diana Stoneberg 

Chapter 7--Christian Minister, Laurie Haller

Chapter 8--Horticulturalist, Sharon Loving

Chapter 9--Medical Scientist, Juanita Merchant

Chapter 10-Olympic Gold Medalist in Women’s Ice Hockey, Angela Ruggiero

Chapter 11-Semi-Truck Driver, Barbara Totten

Chapter 12-Teacher/Coach/Athletic Director, Barbara “Chili” Chiles

Chapter 13-Social Worker, Lenair Correll           

Chapter 14-Entrepreneur/Product Developer, Veronica Bosgraaf

Chapter 15-Professional Clown, Brenda Marshall

 Chapter 16-Attorney, Stacy Prescott

Reader's Guide


The eBook is available at all major digital booksellers today!
CLICK HERE to purchase Girls Succeed! for 99 cents 
Tuesday, August 23-Saturday August 27 !

Thank you! 

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plus articles, giveaways and fun!
Click here to get the Fall edition this week!


Natalie Aguirre said...

That's awesome that you returned to your hometown library.

J.Q. Rose said...

It really was awesome! I got a little misty-eyed when I began my presentation, knowing I was at the library of my childhood. I remembered running up and down those wooden steps bringing books back to the library and checking them out. Now one of my books was on those library shelves. Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate your support!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Congratulations on the workshop. That's a topic most wouldn't cover so I can see it would be popular.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Jacqui. We had a good turnout. It was so much fun.

Samantha Bryant said...

What a great project. I'm also a former teacher, having just left the profession in May. In my heart I still am and always will be a teacher, though.

J.Q. Rose said...

Congratulations on your retirement! I bet you will find ways to use those teaching skills. Yes, you'll always have the heart of a teacher. Best wishes.

Damyanti Biswas said...

It's always nice to visit your hometown. Congrats on your workshop BTW :D

Kit Charles said...

"This blog post is a gem! The way you've analyzed the topic and presented your thoughts is commendable. Keep up the excellent work!"

Edvin Berg said...

"I wanted to take a moment to express how much I enjoyed your blog post. Your writing style is engaging, and your insights are thought-provoking. Keep up the excellent work!"

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