Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Developing a Character in a Story Suspiciously Similar to Your Character Traits #storytelling #writingfiction #cozy mystery


Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog. Today I am sharing a post originally published three years ago. This seemed to be a popular one, 
so I thought I'd post it again so I can play in the hot summer sun! 
I hope you are enjoying your summer to the max AND keeping comfortably cool. 

This was the July Question a few years ago at the IWSG Blog Hop.
What personal traits have you written into your character? 

Very personal indeed! My character, Lauren Staab, in my cozy mystery, Deadly Undertaking, is me! Let me count the ways.
Deadly Undertaking
Romantic suspense
On Sale at Smashwords $1.50
  • Yes, she is the daughter of a funeral director just like me.
  • She works hard and is reliable like me. 
  • She eats the same food I do. 
  • Her condo is decorated like a home I would have if I were 35 years old again. 
  • The funeral home she works in is modeled after my Dad's funeral home.
  • She overthinks things like I do.
  • She's smart like me. (wink wink)
In fact, I had a very, very, very difficult time establishing this character because I was too up close and personal with her. When I finally separated me from Lauren and stepped back to get a different perspective of her, I was able to continue writing the book.

I have never had a problem developing a character and using my imagination to conjure her up. But since she was me (I?), I guess I couldn't get the brainstorming/creativity to flow. 

Have you ever had that problem when developing a character or discovered a character in a story who was like you?

Please leave a comment below and let us know your experience. Thank you!!

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CLICK HERE to download my mysteries and memoir for $1.50. Find even more great reads from BWL Publishing at half off too!

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Natalie Aguirre said...

It's great seeing how Lauren is like you. I do struggle a bit to develop my characters and really find their voice in talking and speaking. But I seem to be figuring it out better as I work through the first chapters of a manuscript.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, it takes a bit to know your character. Buy I'm sure you'll "get it" as you said the more you write. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Interesting she's modeled so closely on the author. I'm glad it worked!

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