Tuesday, June 7, 2022

And the Pastor Wins!! by J.Q. Rose #MFRWHooks


Book Hooks--excerpts from novels

   Book Hooks Blog Hop #MFRWHooks

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog. 

Today we're joining the Book Hooks Blog Hop sponsored by 

the Marketing For Romance Writers Group. 

Each participating blogger shares an excerpt from their book. Today I am featuring one of my favorite romantic mysteries, Dangerous Sanctuary.

Dangerous Sanctuary by J. Q. Rose
Romantic Suspense

Back of the Book: 

Pastor Christine Hobbs has been in the pulpit business for over five years. She never imagined herself caring for a flock that includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer. 

 Detective Cole Stephens doesn't want the pretty pastor to get away with murdering the church music director. His investigative methods infuriate Christine as much as his deep brown eyes attract her.

 Can they find the real killer and build a loving relationship based on trust?

Excerpt: Dangerous Sanctuary

Previously, Detective Stephens picked up Christine Hobbs to help the police calm down a young man who was holding his grandfather hostage. Christine knew Grandfather Jenkins and his grandson because Mr. Jenkins was a member of the church. Instead of staying behind the safety of the car cruiser to try and calm the young man, Christine walked up the sidewalk toward the grandfather's house, putting her life in jeopardy.


Detective Stephens and Christine watched as the policeman shoved the young man into the back seat of the police car. 

“May I talk to Jason?” 

“Maybe later, Hobbs. We have to book him. I’ll call you if he wants to see you,” Stephens said. 

“I’ll go to the hospital. You’ll call Mr. Jenkins’ daughter, right? Tell her I’ll meet her there?” 

Stephens nodded. “Yeah, we’ll send a policeman over there to escort her to the hospital if she wants to check on her father or go to the jail to visit her son.” 

In a gruff voice, he said, “I’ll take you back to the church. Get in the car.” 

“Thank you.” She made her way to the black Ford, distinctly aware Detective Stephens was upset.

 In the car, he started up the engine, then turned to Christine. His face was as red as a Michigan apple. “Well, that was some dumb thing you did today. Do you realize you jeopardized the old man’s life? That kid was so hopped up on drugs we didn’t know what he’d do. The boy could’ve come at you with his knife or even a concealed gun. You don’t get what a dangerous position you were in. If you’d gotten hurt or killed, I could’ve been booted out of the department.” 

“Oh, so you’re upset because I could have lost your job for you? Is that it?” Christine turned away from him and faced forward, glaring through the windshield. She’d used her instincts to try and save the boy and his grandfather and approaching the house had worked to get him to the door. Of course, she hadn’t thought too far ahead about the consequences if it hadn’t worked. 

Cole jammed the car into gear and streaked onto the roadway. She refused to look at the detective. “Then why did you even bother to come after me? I thought you wanted me to help calm the boy down and get him away from his grandfather.” 

Stephens ignored her. Deep silence filled the car, and only the songs of the birds on this sunny morning broke it during the drive back to the church. Stephens stopped the vehicle at the side doors of the church. He placed his hand on the door handle and turned to face her. 

In a controlled and deliberate tone, he said, “Thank you. I put you in danger, and it won’t happen again. It was poor judgment on my part.” 

“Actually, Detective, I’m glad you did come to get me. I acted on an impulse because I didn’t want Roger or Jason hurt. I understand and appreciate your concern.” 

Cole looked away and fidgeted with the steering wheel. “Well, don’t ever try anything like that again. Next time no one may be backing you up. Okay?” His voice softened and his brown eyes penetrated her heart. 

“Oh, Detective, God willing I won’t be in such a situation ever again.” 

She smiled, opened the car door, and swung her lean legs out to stand on the asphalt parking lot pavement. “Thanks for the ride.” She slammed the door shut and took the church steps two at a time.


Click here to download the book from your favorite online bookseller.

Paperback and hardcover available at amazon


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Have fun!! 

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Daryl Devoré said...

Hopefully, she is right and won't ever be in that situation again. Tweeted.

Rene's Getaway said...


Amber Daulton said...

Sounds interesting! Thank you for sharing!

J.Q. Rose said...

Well, maybe not in that particular situation again, but she does have some more dangerous ones. Thanks for tweeting!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for visiting and for tweeting!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you for stopping in. Always happy to shout about my books!!

Kate Hill said...

They're both serious about doing their job. I enjoyed the conversation between them.

J.Q. Rose said...

That's a great observation. Thank you.

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