Tuesday, May 17, 2022

And Now for the Rest of the Story, Arranging a Dream: A Memoir #memoir #motherhood #flowershop


Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story blog.

BWL Publishing released my memoir, Arranging a Dream: A Memoir in January 2021. Now there is more to the story.

What is the story? 

Arranging a Dream: A Memoir
by J.Q. Rose

From the back of the book:

In 1975, budding entrepreneurs Ted and Janet purchase a floral shop and greenhouses where they plan to grow their dream. Leaving friends and family behind in Illinois and losing the security of two paychecks, they transplant themselves, their one-year-old daughter, and all their belongings to Fremont, Michigan, where they know no one. 

Will the retiring business owners nurture Ted and Janet as they struggle to develop a blooming business, or will they desert the inexperienced young couple to wither and die in their new environment?

 Most of all, can Ted and Janet grow together as they cultivate a loving marriage, juggle parenting with work and root a thriving business?

Follow Ted and Janet's inspiring story, filled with the joy,and triumphs and the obstacles and failures experienced by these blossoming entrepreneurs as they travel the turbulent path of turning dreams into reality.

A snapshot of the flower shop on the first day we saw it in July 1975

Yes, we purchased the shop and greenhouse operation and lived out our dream to be entrepreneurs. It was a risky chance, but we were young and innocent enough not to know what we faced in the world of business. 

I remember how thrilled I was when we decided to become shop owners. I remember how frightened I was to move away from Central Illinois where we had a team of supporters in our family and friends. The small town in West Michigan was filled with strangers. We knew nothing about the retiring owners. We had to trust and pray they were good people.

Sara, Easter 1976 
16 months old
The most upsetting time for me was, after nursing my baby girl for nearly a year, I would have to give her up to a daycare worker who I did not know in order for me to work full time at the shop. 

Leaving her all day was the most difficult decision I ever made in my life! But let me assure you, she grew up to be a wonderful woman, the mother of two boys, active in her community and church, and operating two businesses. FYI--She gained a sister in 1978 who is also a fun-loving woman, the mother of two boys and a girl, active in her community and a city clerk performing her duties for her city as well as for the state's city clerk association.


We purchased the shop and opened for business, on January 2, 1976, and sold the business on March 1, 1995. 

In 1982, we purchased property about two blocks from the original chalet building and erected three greenhouses, each 50' x 150', for a garden center. In 1986, we opened our new flower shop and garden center which was attached to the greenhouses. 

The floral shop, garden center and greenhouses in one location

Imagining the building was one thing, but planning and building it were another. Dreaming of it was thrilling. Building it was frustrating when we couldn't get the builders to show up and get it done as quickly as we wanted to! But decorating the interior and ordering inventory, moving in...all those things and more were exciting and scary all at once. Figuring out how the design room should be set up, managing the shelving for the shop and garden center, decisions on how to create  welcoming, but efficient spaces were just a few of the responsibilities. 

We celebrated our new facilities with the community with a grand opening in November 1986. That day and the excitement of our customers and visitors still swirls in my memory as one of the best days at the flower shop.

Now, the rest of the story:

The owners who originally purchased the shop in 1995 are still in business, however, they sold the shop and property to Aldis grocery store last month. Aldis will bring in the wrecking ball soon to knock down that building pictured above and clean up all the reminders that the shop ever existed. I'm a bit melancholy about that, even if I haven't been working in the shop for 27 years.

I am glad I have wonderful memories of the times and photos of that era of my life  because there is no longer any physical evidence of those times. The original chalet building was knocked down several years ago. Only a grassy lot with a  For Sale sign remains where the old shop was located. 

But I have the memoir that leaves our legacy stories for our family and friends and future generations to read and learn how we worked hard to make our dream of owning a floral business and greenhouse operation come true.


Your Words, Your Life Story
My message to you is to consider jotting down memories for your family. Or record them using your phone. Your story could be an important piece to encourage others.

To help you spark your memories, check out my eBook and Paperback with lined pages for journaling about telling your life stories, Your Words, Your Life Story.

Click the links below to download or order the paperback.




Janet and Gardener Ted

Arranging a Dream: A Memoir

Click the links below to download or order the paperback or hardcover



also available in hardcover



Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, I totally understand that you'd be melancholy about the building being knocked down. Things like this can be really sad. Someone once told me 'Life is change'. Your life has changed to have a lot more good things in it, and you have some wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing them.

J.Q. Rose said...

So true. Plenty of changes and mostly good ones since 1995! Thank you for your encouragement.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. I loved hearing the rest of the story. The memoir is so good. I've shared. :)

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