Tuesday, November 2, 2021

IWSG: Problems with Creating a Book Title and Blurbs #IWSGbloghop


November IWSG Blog Hop #IWSGbloghop

Hello and Welcome to the November Insecure Writer's Support Group with our outstanding co-hosts Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery! Thanks so much for co-hosting!!

November 3 question - What's harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb? Both are challenging to write. In fact, I must admit I did not come up with book titles. What blurbs I wrote, my writer's group re-wrote. Is that cheating??? 

I loved my writer's group. We brainstormed on everyone's titles and blurbs. Why is it so much easier to help write another author's blurb and figure out a catchy title? I was disappointed however when they turned up their noses at my title for my memoir about the floral business and motherhood--Rose Petals and Baby Poop in favor of Arranging a Dream: A Memoir. Can you imagine that? 😄 ( I think I mentioned this before, so you know how badly my feelings were hurt...)

Janet, Wendy, Esther,Theresa
My group, the Koffee Kuppe authors.
When we started the group, noone was published.
Now, we are all published authors. Unfortunately, two of the gals have moved from the area,
and the other is not writing at this time. I really, really miss our brainstorming. Times change. 

Stepping away from your manuscript to get a bird's eye view is necessary to write the blurb. We know every detail of every inch of the manuscript. We are zoomed into the pages, but friends who have helped to shape the story can study the arc of the story from a distance and pick out the BIG story. It's okay to get help like I did. And much more fun than agonizing over a title or blurb while sitting alone facing the keyboard by yourself. In the end, you must make the decision what to use.

Titles? The best advice I can give is what another author told me. Wait until you are done with the book, article, blog post, etc. The title will be inside the pages, usually near the end. 

Do you agree? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.


Smashwords Sale

My mysteries and memoir are on sale for $1.50 at Smashwords during the Half-Off Holiday Sale . Grab some great reads from the authors at BWL Publishing. Click here to download now.

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Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm glad to know my title will come toward the end of my story because that's where I am in my manuscript.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Getting help is a brilliant idea!

Pat Garcia said...

I decided in February to let a professional that I know help me with my blurb for Turn The Light On. I am glad I did. Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I've always written the title with the idea that it might not be accepted. But they are. I'm not sure what I'd do if they didn't like them. Guess I'd roll with it like you did, Janet. Happy IWSG day.

cleemckenzie said...

Not cheating at all. We all need those other writers to give us help. I cherish mine. Glad you have a good group.

kimlajevardi.com said...

I hate to rub salt in the wound, but I agree with your critique group about the title.

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL--keep writing and looking for your title!! Congrats, you are nearly finished!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you!

J.Q. Rose said...

That' is good to know. Glad she has worked out for you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Figuring out the best title and being accepted--that's huge! Congrats.

J.Q. Rose said...

We HAD a good group. Two of the writers moved from our area and the other one is working. This is not the season of her life for writing. I cherish the years we had together. I learned a lot from them.

J.Q. Rose said...

Ouch! LOL...yes, I think you are correct. Not the best title, but fun...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's wonderful you have a group that can help each other.

J.Q. Rose said...

We loved brainstorming!!

Diane Burton said...

I disagree with your critique group. I love your original title for your memoir. LOL Brainstorming is so helpful.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Great advice about titles. I love the idea of your writer's group editing blurbs and titles. That's an excellent approach.

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