Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tools and Tidbits for Writers: A Baker's Dozen of Websites for Writers


Tools and Tidbits for Writers

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog.

Sometimes we need a break from writing to re-charge and think. Today I listed a baker's dozen of websites to inspire you, teach you, and to make you think about your writing. They are in no particular order and I didn't explain each one because I want you to go and find out what they have to offer. Curious? I hope so.

Click on each site and group to discover what they offer. Have fun! Let me know which ones you found helpful.

A Baker's Dozen of Helpful Websites for Writers by J.Q. Rose

The Creative Penn

Joel Friedlander's The Book Designer Sadly, Joel passed away in May 2021. He left writers a treasure of knowledge in his articles available on his site.

Funds forWriters-- for freelance writers

What are some of your go-to websites for inspiration or knowledge on writing? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
30% Off at Smashwords' Spring into Summer Sale

My books, released by BWL Publishing, are 30% off with the code RK43L during the Spring into Summer Smashwords event during the entire month of June!! 

Click here to download them now!

The Rose Courier

Click here to sign up to receive the updates, articles, freebies, photos and fun in the Rose Courier. The June edition of the Courier will arrive in your inbox this Friday morning. It's not too late to sign up now. Thanks.


Natalie Aguirre said...

Great list of resources. Thanks for sharing ones you find helpful.

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

This is perfect. Thank you, Janet.

J.Q. Rose said...

You are welcome. I hope you will find something you can use.

Helena Fairfax said...

Thanks so much for sharing your resources, JQ. I really like the Creative Penn website, too. I follow the Alliance of Independent Authors' blog and they often have interesting posts https://selfpublishingadvice.org/alli-blog/

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome. Thanks for the link!

10th textbooks said...

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