Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bernie and My May Birthday

Memoirs and More, the fourth Wednesday of the month

Hello and welcome to the kick-off of the new series, Memoirs and More. 

When spring arrived and COVID seemed to be waning on the horizon, I wanted to shake off the darkness and sadness I felt during the shutdown caused by the pandemic. 

I was ready for something new in my writing world, so I transformed my blog with a new layout and new plans. One of the changes is to offer a monthly schedule of posts. Below is the monthly schedule I plan to follow through the summer, then re-evaluate this fall.

I am lining up guest memoirists and planning articles on memoir writing and book reviews and....wait for it...giveaways on the fourth Wednesday of the month. 

My Birthday Cake!
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

The image of the birthday cake is probably all of a birthday cake I'll receive this week. My birthday week began with GT taking me out for breakfast at the Overboard Inn in Twin Lake, Michigan. I love their 8" cake-pan-sized, delicious cinnamon rolls, but I was good and shared mine with him. The only thing missing was a birthday candle on top of the cinnamon roll. One candle is sufficient. There is no cake with space enough to accomodate all the candles representing my age! I hate to be cliche about it, but I live by the old adage "you're only as old as you feel." I am thankful that I have had the joy of growing old enough to see my 5 grandbabies grow up. They range in age from 12 to 20.  

Enough about my birthday 2021. Today I am being very bold and reading an excerpt from Arranging a Dream: A Memoir about my 30th birthday. Of all the "milestone" birthdays #30 was the hardest for me. And let me tell you, I've had many birthdays to compare with this one. 

My friend, mentor and colleague, Bernie, tried to ease me into accepting my 30th birthday, but instead, she shocked me into it. Take a peek.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Bernie and My Birthday--excerpt from near the end of Chapter 24

Bernie and My May Birthday

Click here to find more readings from this memoir on my Youtube channel.
The Rose Courier from JQ Rose

One of the best gifts you can give me, besides leaving a review for my books, is to sign up for the Rose Courier. The Courier will be delivered to your inbox once a month filled with articles, updates, freebies and fun. 
Click here to sign up for the June 2021 edition. Thank you.

Arranging a Dream: A Memoir is available at major online booksellers.
Paperback available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble


Natalie Aguirre said...

Happy Birthday! Your birthday breakfast sounds yummy. I love your new blog design. I need to have someone help me redesign my header. And I just gave you the birthday present you wanted-signed up for your newsletter.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you!! So happy to receive that very special gift. Thank you for your continuing support.

Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, thanks for sharing the story of your 30th birthday. It's strange, but I looked forward to that birthday with dread, too! Your friend Bernie sounds a lovely person. Happy May birthday!

Marsha said...

Hey, J. Q. Your blog looks fantastic. I love your schedule. Love that you posted the video of you reading from your memoir. I really should try that for one of my blogs--well, reading from one of my books, not your memoir. LOL I really admire how you're ready to try new things. Happy, happy birthday. I think the giant cinnamon role could take the place of cake for me and I love cake. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. Glad I'm not alone dreading the 30th...

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. Glad you like the "new" blog. Yes, read from one of your books. I'd love to see you and with your theater background, you can make a great presentation. I'm thinking I might have a cinnamon role every year now instead of a cake!! Oh wait. When was the last time I ever had a birthday cake? I have no idea!! Thanks for stopping in.

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