Wednesday, April 7, 2021

#IWSGbloghop Controversial Topics in Your Writing?


Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog 
AND the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop

Always on the first Wednesday of the month.

Happy IWSG Blog Hop Day and Happy Springtime!

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. To find out more, click this link:  Insecure Writer’s Support Group

The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 
You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. Click here to sign-up and join.

April 7 question - Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?

I don't do anything "radically" different in my mysteries, but I do like to set the locations (funeral home) and characters (the daughter of a funeral director)in peculiar places. LOL. 

When I wrote my memoir, I touched on the debate between working

Arranging a Dream: A Memoir

moms vs stay-at-home moms. How does this affect a child? How does juggling a job and a home affect the mother?  In the 70s, the discussion could get pretty heated. Nowadays, lots of moms work from home.  

I also mentioned in the 70s, AT&T had to hire minority and female workers to meet a quota set by the government in order to win contracts. My husband, a white male, decided to quit working at the company because he saw no future for him. That was the situation that spurred us on to pursue our dream of becoming entrepreneurs by owning and operating a greenhouse. The flower shop was not a dream but came with the business. 50 years later we are still trying to figure out how to achieve equality and diversity.

I look forward to reading your comments below and answers in your blogs.

Click here to visit the participants in today's blog hop.

Thank you for stopping in today!



Last month I asked for some book titles for the update on my MG non-fiction book for girls, Girls Succeed! I appreciate everyone who suggested a title.

Click here for last month's blog post. 

When I asked for advice on whether I should create a new book with a new title, the Draft2Digital rep suggested I upload the new file to my existing page rather than make it a new book. They don't do second editions. So I uploaded yesterday after working out a few quirks with the ms. 

So, I did not change the name of the book. Do you think I should add a note in my book description about the updates and new content?

Have you published second editions for your books or published an "older" book under a new title? 

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you!!

Here's the new book cover. 

Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women
by J.Q. Rose
Pre-order and Book Launch Special Price--99 cents!!
Click here to pre-order from your favorite online bookseller. 
The official release day is April 14!!


Do you know Smashwords is having a HALF-PRICE SALE THIS MONTH?

J.Q.'s Mysteries on Sale at Smashwords

My publisher has put the books from BWL Publishing on sale for half price. You can pick up my mysteries AND my new release, Arranging a Dream, for $1.49!! 

Click here to grab some wonderful reads while sitting on the beach or in the AC this summer!!!


The Rose Courier

Stay in touch with updates from JQ--packed with articles, freebies and photos in the Rose Courier!

Click here to sign-up for delivery once a month.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you have a title now.
Interesting what spurred you to start a greenhouse business.

Pat Garcia said...

In other words, you do take risks, according to the list of things you mention in your article, especially about AT&T hiring minorities and female. You Go, Lady!
All the best.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Ellen Jacobson said...

Love the cover of Girls Who Succeed!

You know how much I loved your memoir. The decisions that you and your husband took opening your own florist / greenhouse business were hugely risky . . . and they paid off!

JEN Garrett said...

It's such an interesting concept, risk-taking. What one person might think is risky another doesn't. For example, I don't consider playing with style or POV a risk, but others might have to step out of their comfort zone to do it.

cleemckenzie said...

Your story about your husband's and your decision to become your own business owners is a perfect example of making the best of what at first seems to be a bad situation. I love hearing things like this.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Alex.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, we took risks. That reminds me of this quote, "“If you try, you might fail,
But if you don't try, you'll never succeed.”

― Thomas A. Knight

J.Q. Rose said...

Glad you like the book cover. I appreciate how much you loved the memoir. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Yes, they paid off in so many ways we never imagined.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Jen, you make a good point. We are all so different with different ideas of what risk is.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you. I thought a long time about whether to share this, but I decided to be honest about the situation that launched our beginning to live our dream.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Love your cover. I think taking risks and sharing the hard choices you made is essential when writing a memoir. Sounds like you were willing to take them.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Natalie. Happy to know you like the book cover. I think younger people are more apt to take risks because they have no idea what might happen?

PK HREZO said...

Hi JQ! What a great memoir idea! I think your title works. Or you could go with Driven Girls. Anyway, you bring up such a great point with how controversy changes over the years. And also the fact that when one door closes, another opens. Thanks so much for sharing!!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Interesting background on what fueled your self-employment. I'm not sure much has changed today.

Laur said...

I enjoyed reading about how the situation in the 1970s changed the course of your life and about how you are still pondering the ramifications. It's great to read about people pondering long-term perspectives.

Beth Camp said...

Interesting that the 1970s led you and your husband into an entirely new direction, one that sounds freeing and fulfilling, while, at the same time, those issues of equity and diversity still remain unresolved. As a young female working in banking in the 1970s, I encountered many barriers before advancing professionally. I, too, found the corporate world not an easy fit! Teaching had different challenges but was definitely more affirming for me -- and my students! And about that new edition published through Draft2Digital? I'd definitely include a note about what was changed and why. Actually, Amazon has a feature that alerts readers whenever an updated edition is released. May the coming month be good to you!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, PK. One thing is always certain, change.

J.Q. Rose said...

We are still struggling, aren't we? And I'm sure young moms going back to work are torn. Such a difficult time.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Laur. I appreciate your comment.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Beth. I think you have the makings of a memoir about the barriers you faced in advancing in your career. D2D has that notification too if the author chooses to use it.

Sandra Cox said...

LOVED Girls Succeed and Arranging a Dream. I'm so glad you took the risk and opened your own greenhouse and flower shop AND did it successfully. You're amazing.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Glad you settled on a title. That's the hardest thing. I agree with those say to post the note about updates for the girls book. Love the Memoir. I've never changed covers. Not saying I won't ever, but I hate when authors do that. I've been known to buy the book a second time. Not so much anymore since I get most books from Amazon, and they tell me I just bought that book last year. LOL Hmm, maybe I'll consider that, but yikes, such a lot of work. Good luck with re-release.

Diane Burton said...

Love the cover. I think girls will like it, too. Good luck with that book. I don't do controversy. At least, I don't think I do. I like to entertain, not get readers riled up. lol Have a great month.

Fundy Blue said...

I really enjoyed your memoir, Janet! I love the title and cover of "Girls Succeed!"

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Sandra. I appreciate your kinds words and your support! Hugs back.

J.Q. Rose said...

Had to laugh at trying to buy a book the second time. Yes, I am guilty of that. Glad I have the book on Kindle so I can quickly access it to read it again!! Thank you for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Diane. I hope to have a paperback copy of the girls book for summer sales. Perhaps I'll run into you at a sale this year--if COVID allows it.!!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Fundy Blue. I appreciate knowing you enjoyed the memoir. I'm excited to roll out the new cover and updates for the book for girls.

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