Tuesday, March 16, 2021

SPRING BREAK: Paradise Just 20 Minutes Away by JQ Rose

Paradise just 20 minutes away.

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!

We've been cooped up for a year, and I am ready to get out of the house and see some sites. How about you?

Come with me to an amazing place just 20 minutes from us; I forgot I was near my neighborhood!

My dear brother-in-law, Terry, discovered this accommodation while biking last week, so he had to share this unique spot on the Gulf of Mexico with his friends, GT and me. What a gem! Not only did the actual place lift my spirits, but the owner of the Captain's House, Yann, was a delight to meet. 

First, we enjoyed a delicious dinner in the garden at his restaurant, the Silver Dolphin. Then Terry took us on a three-minute drive to see the Captain's House. After we rounded the curve, the large house, located in a quiet location, loomed into view.

Greetings from the Captain's House

We parked the cars in the small parking area and began moving toward the house. Yann spotted us through the eye of the security camera and walked out to join us. This hale and hardy gentleman was quite dapper in his captain's hat, floral shirt and shorts. A white VanDyk beard outlined his smiling mouth. Terry explained he was bringing us over to see the magnificent works of art adorning the small beach next to the channel.

Yann is an interesting fellow. He came to the USA when he was 11 years old from Morocco. He has made a contribution to this country through his energy and vision. Yann has been in the hospitality business for a long time in various locations. When he and his wife settled in Hernando Beach, Florida, a couple of years ago, he opened his 13th restaurant! He also purchased an existing motel, Hernando Beach Motel, and then renovated the house into a magnificent hotel on the channel that leads to the gulf. 

A mermaid bathing in the sunshine

The winged horse

Our host led us past the "beach" overlooking the channel. We oohed and awed at the amazing sculptures and artwork along the way. A large seating area on a deck, a gorgeous boat for guests' tours and a surprising boat-shaped swimming pool included the playground for guests.

The back of the house impressed with the wide steps sweeping up toward the beautifully designed structure, originally a home built in 1993 for the county judge.

The gracious back door of the Captain's House

We entered the house through the kitchen door adjacent to a lovely outdoor dining area. Many of the guests prepare their meals in the kitchen. It's a great way to enjoy camaraderie with the other guests and make new friends.
The reclaimed sea horse

This adorable sea horse was found 23 miles out in the gulf. Its tail was missing; you can imagine the shape it was in. This restored piece of art was originally created in the mid-1800s. A local artist repaired and brought it back to life to the delight of those preparing meals in the roomy kitchen.

Just me with my pal, Einstein

The writer in me could not resist having my picture taken next to Einstein and his stack of books in the "exercise" room 

Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico

What a perfect way to end the tour, watching the sun set over the gulf.

Click here to visit the Captain's House website. (No, I am not affiliated with this business.)

Note: Hernando Beach does not have a beach. As the legend goes, when the developer in the 60s wanted to attract property buyers from up north, he used clever names for his planned developments to grab their attention. Of course, a beach to those dealing with snow, ice and gray skies sounded pretty good, so northerners made the trek south to the blue skies and warm sunshine. Even if there is no true beach in Hernando Beach, the visitors were thrilled with the gulf and the opportunities to fish and participate in water sports in winter.



Arranging a Dream: a Memoir by J.Q. Rose

Click here to discover more books by JQ Rose 
on her author page at BWL Publishing 


About JQ   

Author JQ Rose

Whether the story is fiction or non-fiction, J.Q. Rose is “focused on story.”  She offers readers chills, giggles and quirky characters woven within the pages of her romantic suspense novels. Her published mysteries are Deadly Undertaking, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard and Dangerous Sanctuary released by Books We Love Publishing. Using her storytelling skills, she provides entertainment and information with articles featured in books, magazines, newspapers, and online magazines. 

 Blogging, photography, Pegs and Jokers board games and travel are the things that keep JQ out of trouble. She and her husband spend winters in Florida and summers up north with their two daughters, two sons-in-law,  four grandsons, one granddaughter, two grand dogs, four grand cats, and one great-grand bearded dragon.


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Thank you!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you were able to get out and have some fun. Love the picture of you with Einstein.

Marsha said...

Hey, J. Q. This looks like a really neat place to visit. I love the pic of the steps and the veranda. And how lucky for you, just a mere twenty minute drive. I've shared. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks,Natalie. I wish i could have taken him home!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for sharing! It really is a gem in such a different atmosphere compared to all the high rise hotels in the big cities along the gulf. Laid back lifestyle.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Thanks for sharing, Janet. It looks like an interesting place to visit.

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