Tuesday, December 15, 2020

New Release: Sandra Cox's Western Novel--Gwen Slade, Bounty Hunter


Gwen Slade, Bounty Hunter by Sandra Cox

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story blog! Today is a special day for me in two wonderful ways. First, my friend and talented multi-genre author, Sandra Cox, is visiting today! Her latest Western novel, Gwen Slade, Bounty Hunter, just released this past Monday. 

I love her Westerns which I never read until I opened the first page of Sandra's Western novel, Thunder Tree. I was taken back to the "good ole days" of watching movies starring Roy Rogers, Rex Allen, Randolph Scott and TV shows, Gunsmoke and Bonanza. Sandra writes scenes so you actually believe you are in the 1870s when you read them. I fell in love with the Western genre again. 
Thunder Tree by Sandra Cox
Now you may think I am biased because Sandra and I consider ourselves "cousins" because her name is Cox and there are members of the Cox family in my family, however...Anyway, we aren't really cousins, but we've had a lot of fun with it. Let me just tell you, cousins, or not, I am honest when I say her Westerns are great reads!

I am now going to bow out and let Sandra take over because I am answering some thought-provoking questions about writing my memoir, Arranging a Dream,  at writing buddy and memoirist, Nancy Sanders Pokerwinski's amazing blog, Heartwood, today. My second reason for making this a wonderful day.

Congratulations, cuz, on the release of this new Western, Gwen Slade, Bounty Hunter. Thank you for stopping in today to tell us about the book, share some western trivia and allow us to take a peek at an excerpt from your new release.

Gwen Slade Bounty Hunter by Sandra Cox

A huge thank you to J.Q. Rose, my honorary cousin, for letting me visit today and talk about my new release GWEN SLADE, BOUNTY HUNTER.

First, a little Old West trivia.

VESTS. They were more than just a fashion statement.

Cowboys inevitably wore vests. Their shirts had one pocket at best and they couldn’t get to their pants pockets when they were in the saddle. The vests had good deep pockets—usually at least four—and held their smokes, snuff, pocketknives, tally books and other cowboy necessities. They added an extra layer of warmth in cool weather. In summer, they just left them unbuttoned. Besides being practical, the cowboys considered them stylish.


Bounty hunter Gwen Slade always gets her man. Until she meets charming outlaw Jordie Kidd.

After Jordie saves her family, she finds she can’t in good conscience turn him in, even if he is worth a thousand dollars dead or alive. Instead, she sets her sights on the meanest, most-wanted gang in Kansas. Gwen always works alone until she goes after the gang then finds herself partnering with an unlikely source.

This time around, not only her life, but her heart is on the line.


Jordie Kidd’s long-legged Appaloosa ate up the miles as it galloped farther and farther from Dodge City and Gwen Slade. Once again Lady Luck taunted him. When the bounty hunter came galloping into the yard and reined that palomino of hers into a rearing halt inches from his nose, the sun silhouetting her like an avenging angel, he’d felt a punch right to the belly. He still had that picture imprinted on his mind.

Of course, he’d heard of her. Who hadn’t? Especially someone with his face on a wanted poster. What he hadn’t heard…she had blue-black hair that resembled a sheath of silk, blue eyes like a pretty lake he’d seen once and skin that just begged to be touched.

He enjoyed women and, Lord bless them, they gave every appearance of enjoying him. They came in all shapes and colors, always entertained and never bored. But he’d never had a reaction to one quite like this. He had a feeling that no matter how much distance he put between them he wouldn’t be leaving Gwen Slade behind. Just his luck, he’d fall for the best bounty hunter in the business.

Click here to order GWEN SLADE, BOUNTY HUNTER  at amazon.






Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina.

Sandra Cox, author

Her stories consist of all things western and more.

She can be found at http://www.sandracoxwriter.com.   If you’d like to stay abreast of what’s going on in her world and any new releases you can send a note in her comment form while you are there.  Or simply sign up on the follow by email request form. Her Twitter handle is: Sandra_Cox and her Amazon page is http://tinyurl.com/SandraAtAmz 





Arranging a Dream: A Memoir Winter Virtual Book Tour

Book Tour Schedule for December and January (so far)

Winter Virtual Book Tour Schedule

I am so looking forward to the tour and visiting with these wonderful hosts. I hope you will come along and enter at each stop where a lucky commenter will be drawn to win a copy of the memoir! Watch for updates and addresses. 

You can read about arranging flowers now at my first stop at Sandra Cox's blog, Sandra's Place. Click Sandra Cox to take you there.

Click here to come on over to Nan's blog, Heartwood, to see how I answer her questions about comparing the creation of fiction novels vs nonfiction stories and how to spark memories when writing a memoir. A lucky commenter will win a free eBook of Arranging a Dream: A Memoir.

Santa JQ and an unknown elf

Click here to sign up for the Rose Courier so you can stay up-to-date on all the news about freebies, blog posts, articles, guest authors and fun facts.

Thank you for stopping by today. 





Sandra Cox said...

Thank so much for letting me visit today, J.Q. Love your Santa picture. Have fun at Heartwood.

J.Q. Rose said...

So happy to host ya. Yeehaw!

Sandra Cox said...

Yeehaw indeed, cuz:)

Pat Garcia said...

Hi Sandra,
Your short excerpt on JQ Blog caught my interest. I don't usually read Westerns but I have put yours on my Christmas wish list for my Christmas reading.
Wishing you all the best for your new release.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats to Sandra!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Pat, I hope Santa delivers Sandra's book to you!! It'll keep you turning the pages.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you for stopping by today,pahtner!

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Pat. You just made my day:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Di.

Janet, you are so funny:)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations, Sandra. Cousin or no cousin, best of success to you on the release of your novel. I'm passing along your book to my husband. A western doesn't exit that he hasn't read at least once.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ and Sandra. How fun y'all are pretend cousins. :) So I don't usually read westerns, but I love this cover. Best wishes with your release. I shared on SM.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you so much, Joylene. I appreciate that. FYI: I am intrigued by your story lines. They sound right up my alley.

Sandra Cox said...

How kind of you, Marsha. Thank you for sharing.

J.Q. Rose said...

Joylene, I think men and women would enjoy reading Sandra's westerns--romance for gals and lots of cowboy western action for the guys.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey, you're in Texas, Marsha! You HAVE to read stories involving cowboys. But seriously, ss a romance author, you would enjoy the romance in Sandra's books. Thank you for sharing.

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