Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My Life and My Writing Life Updates by J.Q. Rose


Preparing for my kitchen remodel

My Life and My Writing Life Updates by J.Q. Rose

Hello and welcome! Just a quick stop-over this week to update you on the happenings going on in my life and writing life. 


The photo is my kitchen. Yes, we unloaded all the cabinets so we could tear them out and replace them with new cabinets. Tearing out is the operative expression. What a mess. But oh what fun to have a great project like this. Living through it may be a test for my left-brained tendency. 

This is an important project, not only because it will be quite an improvement to my 15-year-old kitchen, but especially because my hubby, GT, is strong enough to do the job this year. In the past 3 years, he has had a hip replacement, a shoulder replacement, and a do-over on the first hip replacement because it was loose. That recovery was more difficult than the original. 

Last summer he was strong enough to work in the garden. And we had a fantastic year for gardening. That experience really built his muscles and stamina. He was ready to be active in Florida, so here we go ripping out the kitchen.


Arranging a Dream: A Memoir
Official launch date January 1
Pre-order and Paperback available December 1

1. I am thrilled to report that I have turned in the ms for my memoir, Arranging a Dream: A Memoir, to my publisher. Now I am working on writing a book description for the sales page and choosing keywords to draw readers to my book. 

Here's the latest book description with help from my friend and memoirist, Nan Sanders Pokerwinski and mystery author, W S Gager:

In 1975, budding entrepreneurs Ted and Janet purchase a floral shop and greenhouses where they plan to grow their dream. Leaving friends and family behind in Illinois and losing the security of two paychecks, they transplant themselves, their one-year-old daughter, and all their belongings to Fremont, Michigan, where they know no one. 

Will the retiring business owners nurture Ted and Janet as they struggle to develop a blooming business, or will they desert the young couple to wither and die in their new environment?

Most of all, can Ted and Janet grow together as they cultivate a loving marriage, juggle parenting with work, and root a thriving business?

This part of the publishing business is the most difficult for me. Writing someone else's description is easier than writing my own. 

Keyword choices are one of the things that drive interest in the book. The other elements needed to make a sale after the book is discovered are an eye-catching book cover and the description sometimes known as the "blurb." Hopefully, these will garner readers who will leave reviews that get amazon's attention.

Your Words, Your Life Story: A Guide for Sharing Memories by J.Q. Rose
This book is a collection of information I use in my Life Storytelling Workshops to begin your life story.

2. I created a how-to book on writing life stories, Your Words,Your Life Story: A Guide for Sharing Memories and published it in December. Now I am following that up with a companion book with topics to spark memories. This journal for life storytellers allows the writer to keep their stories in a safe place.

New book cover for Girls Succeed!
I'm not sure if this is the one. What do you think?

3. Revising, updating and adding new content to my eBook for inspiring girls to dream big, Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women. The chapters are mini-biographies of amazing women who are fantastic role models for girls 10-14 years old. 

Do you see a theme here about life stories--mine, yours, and these wonderful women who trusted me to tell their story?

November is Life Writing Month. I hope you will consider writing down some stories for your family and friends. You can start with how 2020 has affected your life. You are an eyewitness to history and I'm sure there will be all kinds of stories about it. You can tell the truth about this year with your experiences and not let the media spin it the way they reported it.

If you'd like some tips on writing, recording or making a video of your life story, please click here to join my FB group, Telling Your Life Story and Memoirs Circle.

The Rose Courier will be delivered this Friday if you have signed up.
Click here if you wish to keep up-to-date with JQ Rose,
read articles, meet new authors, get freebies and more.

Thank you for stopping in. If you're an author, do you find it difficult to write your book description?
If you're a reader, what helps you decide to buy a book when browsing online or in a brick and mortar store?


Elizabeth Seckman said...

What a great group of books! And I love your covers.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad your husband was strong enough to replace your cabinets Congrats on submitting your manuscript to your publisher. And love your book covers!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Elizabeth. Good to know if the Girls Succeed cover was okay. I've had a bunch of them through the years created by me and by professionals. Maybe this is the one that will get the book in the hands of readers!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Natalie. The kitchen is a wreck as I write this, but one side of cabinets is in and looking great! What a difference! Glad to know you like the book covers. Now I've got to get going and tie up all these loose ends.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Have just gotten a sneak peak at your memoir, I can attest at what a heart grabbing story it is. I love the words you used in your blurb: wither & die, giving up security to two paychecks, grow your dream, transplant themselves, cultivate, root. You used so many words associated with gardening. Very smart move. I was just in a workshop that emphasized using words that tied closely to the story. Your blub does that in spades. I think in my email to you, I did what you said some people did. I confused the name of the store with the town.:) Know this book is going to go gangbusters in sales. :) Hope Eta left you unscathed. :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations, Janet! Thrilled for you. Your kitchen looks pretty good considering.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Marsha. Love your description--"heart-grabbing story!" I wondered if the gardening/greenhouse words would sound too cheezy, but they seem to be a hit! Eta didn't do much but blow a lot of wind and rain buckets for awhile, but no damage. Thank you.

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL--it's a disaster. Stay tuned for tomorrow's update. Sorry I'm so far behind in replying, but we are doing a kitchen. LOL.

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