Tuesday, April 14, 2020

#AuthorToolboxBlogHop: Yes You CAN Do Video! Giveaway

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog and to the Author Toolbox Blog Hop #AuthorToolboxBlogHop which meets every third Wednesday of the month to share resources and tips for authors. Thanks to Raimey Gallant for hosting this venture. 

Please join us to learn more about the craft of writing and to meet bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other become the best writers possible. Click here to visit other blog hop participants.

Yes! You CAN Do Video!

Movie Camera
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 
Hands down, video attracts and keeps your viewers/readers on your page 
longer than just text and even longer than photos. 
Photos used to be the HOT item to get people interested in your page. 
Enter the 21st Century and check out some tools to help you create videos. Use them on your blog, social media pages, emails, newsletters. It's fun!

🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥

Here are FREE tools for you to use to make videos
Microsoft PowerPoint-- This program uses slides. Audio can be added to them to make a wonderful presentation. I have used this program to make movies of our travels and presentations for my Life Storytelling Workshops. 
LOOM --a Chrome Extension
Vidyard --a Chrome Extension
StreamYard --a Chrome Extension
 First, use the Chrome browser. Click here to take you to the Google Chrome Extension Store. Search Vidyard in the box, then click add to Chrome.
Facebook Live 
Video camera/smartphone camera/webcam on a laptop--Definitely not free, but if you have a smartphone, make use of the video camera. You can have someone video you or do it yourself by setting up the video camera or smartphone on a tripod or sit back and relax in front of your webcam on your laptop. 
🎥But, you ask, how do I learn how to use all these tools? The answer is to watch YouTube VIDEOS on each one.!!! Of course. Play around with them. I suggest you start by using FB Live or YouTube Live. 

🎥If you don't want to be on camera, then make a slide show using PowerPoint and narrate the slides as if you were presenting to an audience. 

click here🎥I collected all these possibilities for making videos to encourage people to tell their life stories via video because many folks are not writers. You can video yourself or your grandma to tell her story. Just think what a precious gift that could be for the family. These video tools are listed in Chapter 2--Not a Writer? Not a Problem in Your Words, Your Life Story: A Journal for Sharing Memories. If you need some help sparking memories, how to organize your story and/or how to publish it, click here.
I put together a collection of five quirky stories to give you a break from the burden of dealing with so many challenges, frustration, illness and sadness due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please download these approximately 1000 word stories which were originally published on this blog for the Storytime Blog Hop.
Time Out While Staying In: FREE--
Five Quirky Short Stories by J.Q. Rose

I've had a lot of fun re-visiting and revising them for you. Sit back for a few minutes and take it easy. You deserve it. I hope you get a laugh or a gasp when you read the stories.
Click here to download the file.

We will get through this difficult time. I think we'll be surprised at how many things will change for the better as a result.

Hugs from J.Q. Rose


Click the image in the sidebar or click here to sign up to receive the Rose Courier for all the news and giveaways from J.Q. Rose every month. Thank you.

VIDEO: Speaking of video, here is one I narrated using PowerPoint slides. The video shares our visit to Nova Scotia, Canada.
Nova Scotia Adventure Part One 
with Ted and Janet

Click here for Nova Scotia Adventure Part 2 and more videos on my YouTube Channel.

Thanks for visiting.
 Click here to visit other blog hop participants.


bamauthor.me said...

Just started using video. Thanks for the tips. It seems daunting at first, but gets easier as you become more experienced.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good suggestions. I am considering a video trailer for my upcoming book so this is timely!

emaginette said...

This might work the majority, unfortunately I'm the minority. If I see a vlog post and expected a written post, I'm gone.

I can't even explain it. I literally clench up. Sorry to rain on your parade, but it's my truth.

Anna from elements of emaginette

Charity Rau said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

J.Q. Rose said...

I agree. I don't worry so much about my hair anymore. LOL..Seeing all the professionals on TV broadcasting from home without special make up and lighting helped.

J.Q. Rose said...

Good to know you can use the info. I signed up for the Office 365 at Christmas time. PowerPoint is even easier to use now to make a slide show or movie.

J.Q. Rose said...

No problem. We're all different. Do you mean you'd rather read the post rather than watch the video? I can read it if the transcript is available under the video much quicker than watching the video. So I bet you don't watch YouTube either?

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome, Charity.

Raimey Gallant said...

Oh, I'm definitely a youtube learner. Thanks for all these great app ideas. I'm bookmarking this page for when I need this. :) I used to live in both NS and PEI. Miss them! Peggy's Cove is one of my most favorite places in the world.

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome. We loved our visit to NS and PEI, but Peggy's Cove is one of my fave places on the trip. Nothing like it.

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