Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Escape from COVID 19, Vegetable Gardening eBook on Sale 99 cents

Touring England--the Cotswolds
with Gardener Ted and JQ Rose
Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!

We're dealing with tough times amid the CO-VID 19 crisis. I hope you can take some time to relax and escape with a virtual visit to the English Countryside in the Cotswolds. 

In June 2018, my husband, Gardener Ted, and I traveled to England, rented a car and drove around England. This is one of the videos I put together from the 1000 photos from the trip. I have videos of London and the County of Yorkshire also on my Youtube channel. We had a delightful time seeing places we had heard about all our lives. Or as the English say, "The trip was brilliant!"

Please, grab your popcorn and red licorice. Sit back in your chair. Join us as we discover mysterious stone circles, charming villages, miles of stone walls, and ancient landscapes in the English Cotswolds.
Touring England--the Cotswolds


Youtube Video: Touring England 

with Gardener Ted and J.Q. 

The Cotswolds

Click here for more videos from our Tour of England and travel videos in the Canadian Rockies, Nova Scotia, Gilmore Car Museum and more! 

I hope the video lifted your spirits. We will get through this difficult time.
I believe many good things will come from it.
Remember the worst thing is never the last thing!

Social distancing hugs from J.Q.!!!
Gardening with Gardener Ted and JQ Rose

Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening
Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening:
Starting Your Garden
Gardener Ted and I not only enjoy traveling together. We also enjoy gardening. You can imagine why Ted earned his name as Gardener Ted. This farm boy just has to have his hands in the dirt. So much so, we owned a flower shop, greenhouse and garden center for almost 20 years! He has the gardening knowledge, and I have the writing and publishing experience to produce an eBook for folks interested in gardening.     ➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨

So we combined efforts to share tips on planting and harvesting a vegetable garden. Nothing tastes as good or as fresh, as your own home-grown vegetables.  Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden is filled with tips gleaned from years of Ted's experience in the garden.

Click the links below to grab your eBook now
while it is on sale for 99 cents!

Amazon Link:

Your Favorite Online Bookseller Link: Kobo, Apple, Nook and more

Then, when you have time, please leave a review to help other readers interested in gardening to find this helpful guide. Thank you!!

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