Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thanksgiving Day in the USA and Nine Other Countries, Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanksgiving Day in the USA and Nine Other Countries

Happy Turkey Day!
Looking forward to that turkey meal? Or in my vegan friend's day, tofu meal? Turkey is the traditional dish to serve in most American households to remind us of the Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving. Although, they probably ate other birds and lots of fish at their table.

According to  Yahoo Finance, other countries practice days of thanksgiving. Canada, Liberia, and a small island east of Australia, Norfolk Island, have customs similar to the USA with traditions that include celebrating the autumn harvest and giving thanks. 

Germany's celebration is known as Erntedankfest to celebrate the harvest. Not exactly the same as Thanksgiving Day in the US, Germans know how to party with parades, dancing, music and fireworks.

In Grenada, formal celebrations for giving thanks are held in mostly urban areas. 

China's Thanksgiving day began about 2500 years ago. No pumpkin pie for dessert, but rather baked Moon Pie made of sesame seeds, ground lotus seeds, and duck eggs.

Japan centers its day, known as Labor Thanksgiving Day, around giving thanks for workers' rights.

South Koreans spend their day similarly feasting as we do in the US while honoring their ancestors. 

Vietnamese celebrations, much like China, include giving thanks and celebrating the harvest. According to Vietnamese folklore, the day was spent making amends to their children for being neglected during the busy harvest time.

No matter where we are in the world, giving thanks is uplifting for folks who take time to express gratitude. The thanks need not be for anything huge. Appreciating the warm sun on your face, someone who opens the door for you or helps you carry your grocery bags to the car, and even a spouse or partner getting the coffee ready at night for an early morning cup--all are worthy of a thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving from J.Q. Rose
When times are bad, it is difficult to find anything to be thankful for, but if you can find something, it will help brighten your day. 

Wishing you a fabulous day of Thanksgiving for the big things as well as the small!

After Thanksgiving is the huge sales day, Black Friday, in the US. Deep discounts are even occurring on Thanksiving Day for those who don't want to watch football!

So in the spirit of Super Sales Savings, my publisher, Books We Love Publishing, is offering two of my mysteries at a special price through December 15 at Smashwords.com. Click the title to download these for yourself or gift them to your friends and family. Enjoy!! 

Dangerous Sanctuary by J.Q. Rose
Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined she would be caring for 
a flock that includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer.
Dangerous Sanctuary 99 cents

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose

 Terror on Sunshine Boulevard $2.99


Helena Fairfax said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day for tomorrow, JQ. I hope you and family have a lovely day!

Johnson said...
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Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Great info. I didn't know any of that. Love the new cover on your Girls Succeed book. I need to try to do a sale. I always forget. Hope you enjoyed your turkey day. I've shared. :)

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