Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Book Cover Reveal: Your Words, Your Life Story: A Journal for Sharing Memories

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog! This is an exciting day for me. I am pleased to announce the release of my journal for those who want to share memories from their life with family and friends. Check out the cover below!
Your Words, Your Life Story: A Journal for Sharing Memories
by J.Q. Rose
My passion for writing life stories began when a member of one of my writers' groups, Mary Zuwerink, brought in the diary of her great, great grandfather. He was a minister in England. This diary contained his everyday, ordinary days in his life in London in the early 1800s. Ordinary then, perhaps, but to us in this contemporary society, his reflections and stories were extraordinary.

Offering an opportunity to folks who want to tell their everyday stories as guides to people in the future, I offered workshops on writing life stories. But in this book, I cover audio and video storytelling, as well as writing, because not everyone is a writer. 

The idea of writing life experiences is an obstacle to sharing them. Another obstacle is trying to figure out what to write about. The book offers many ways to jog those memories which lead to more stories. 

When I led group workshops, the best part for me was listening to the tales the participants shared. Folks who never wrote actually created many touching and memorable pieces that brought tears and laughter. Since reading the book alone and telling your stories and not sharing them is not much fun, I created a facebook group for sharing as well as spotlighting resources, tips, and news.

I may be premature in announcing the book because I just had it accepted by KDP Publishing. It won't be live for a few days, but as you can imagine, I am bursting with the good news. Especially after jumping through all the hoops to get it published. But that's another blog post for the future.

I'm looking forward to getting a proof copy. I probably won't find any errors in it. wink wink

This quote by J.D. Salinger certainly applies to me and this book.

Quote by J.D. Salinger
Thanks so much for your support of the Focused on Story blog and for your continued participation. I am anxious to update you on the journey this journal will take.

Do you have a book in you that is screaming to get out? Do you have stories from your life you want to share with family and friends? Have you written a memoir or life story? Please leave a comment below and tell us all about it! Thank you.

Click here or on the JQ Rose Courier graphic at the top of the sidebar to have your copy of the JQ Rose Courier delivered to your inbox. You'll find out about new releases, giveaways, contests with prizes and what JQ is up to.



Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, that's very exciting about the journal, and what a great idea. We all of us have a story to tell, and I would have loved to have known more about my great-grandparents and grandparents. Very best wishes on release!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

KDP makes it pretty darn easy to publish. I'm amazed. Congratulations on this, JQ. What a great idea for a book.

Marsha said...

Hey, J. Q. Congrats. This is very exciting. Can't wait to read your memoir about the first year of the nursery. I've shared.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much, Marsha! Memoir was put on the back shelf so I could finish this journal. It's about a flower shop and greenhouse, not a nursery, unless that's the same as a nursery in Texas?

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