Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Five W's in Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose

The 5 W's in Story
The 5 W's of a story are who, what, where, when and why (and sometimes How is included if it doesn't contain any spoilers.) These important W's make up the skeleton or the bones of a story. This series has been a hit with readers.

The Five W's in Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
Originally appeared on Ellen Jacobson's blog, the Cynical Sailor and His Salty Sidekick

Today I thought I'd take a turn to share the 5 W's of one of my mysteries, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard, a touch of the paranormal with a lot of humor set in a Florida retirement community.

That makes the perfect segue to the WHERE in Terror on Sunshine Boulevard--The action takes place at the Citrus Ridge Senior Community and Golf Resort--a beautiful park filled with manufactured homes, a community center, golf course, tennis, pickleball, horseshoes, bocci ball, heated pool and a club for every interest imaginable.
Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
escuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed?
Investigating mysterious murders?
These are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community
volunteer first responder Jim Hart.

Click here to download your e-copy or read the sample
WHO--The main characters are Jim and Gloria Hart, snowbirds from Michigan, who spend their winters at Citrus Ridge meeting friends and joining in the social activities. 

Jim and Gloria retired after selling their hardware store in Michigan. Jim was a volunteer fireman, so when he moved into the community, he became a volunteer first responder and eventually the co-captain of the Citrus Ridge first responders squad. Because the volunteers live in the park, they are key to saving many lives due to their quick response.


WHAT--The members of the first responder squad are accustomed to being called to seniors' homes for slip and fall accidents or high blood pressure issues, but Jim has never been called to the homes of so many folks dying of unknown causes. 

WHY--So if seniors are dying every day, the question is why? What is killing them? A virus, deadly air quality, bad water, a treacherous mad man? 

Why don't Jim and Gloria head back north and get out of there? (If any of you have endured or are enduring winter storms, icy roads, blizzards, you may understand why Jim and Gloria want to stay in warm, tropical Florida. !!!) 

As co-captain of the squad, Jim is drawn into the police investigations.  Gloria feels responsible for so many of her senior friends who rely on her for assistance. They both know if they went home to Michigan they would only be miserable worrying about their Florida friends and feeling guilty for abandoning their community in crisis. Wouldn't you?

HOW-- I can't tell you how the cause of so many deaths is solved. You knew I wouldn't, didn't you? That would ruin the fun of reading Terror on Sunshine Boulevard. 

Click here to download your e-copy or read the sample.
Click here to order your paperback copy at amazon. 
Jingles, a star in the book

BACK OF THE BOOK: Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
 Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed? Investigating mysterious murders? Not the usual calls for first responder Jim Hart. He expects slip and fall accidents or low blood pressure emergencies in his retirement community of Citrus Ridge Senior Community and Golf Resort. The ghastly crime scenes turn the winter time fun into a terrifying season of death and mystery when the authorities cannot track down the predator responsible.

Jim and his wife Gloria could escape the horror and grief by returning to their northern home, but concern for their friends and residents keep them in Florida. With the entire community in a dither over the deaths, the Harts participate in the normal winter activities of golfing, dancing, and pool parties with their friends to distract them from sadness and loss.

Can Jim and Gloria work with the authorities to discover who or what is killing the seniors on Sunshine Boulevard and stop the increasing body count?

About J.Q.
 After writing feature articles in magazines, newspapers, and online magazines for over fifteen years, J.Q. Rose entered the world of fiction. Her mysteries published by BWL Publishing are Terror on Sunshine Boulevard, Dangerous Sanctuary, and Deadly Undertaking. Blogging, photography, Pegs and Jokers board games, and travel are the things that keep her out of trouble. She and her husband, Gardener Ted, spend winters in Florida and summers up north camping and hunting toads, frogs, and salamanders with her four grandsons and granddaughter.

Connect with J.Q. Rose online at
J.Q.'s blog, Focused on Story http://www.jqrose.com/


Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, thanks for the photo of Jingles. I wondered what he looked like :) And no, I never guessed the identity of the mystery killer. It was a well kept secret till the end!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good review. Love the dog picture!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Loved this book. Intricate plot, neat characters, really unexpected ending. I've shared. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Helena, it's not often I find a picture that is exactly what I had in mind when writing the story. But this is Jingles for sure. Glad you didn't discover who-dun-it until the end.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Jacqui. I've used this graphic on social media and it garners quite a few views. He's irresistible.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, thanks so much for your quick review right here on the blog! May I use this on social media?

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