Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Author Toolbox Blog Hop: Finding Content for Your Facebook Page by J.Q. Rose

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog and to the Author Toolbox Blog Hop #AuthorToolboxBlogHop which meets every third Wednesday of the month to share resources and tips for authors. Thanks to Raimey Gallant for hosting this venture. 

Please join us to learn more about the craft of writing and to meet bloggers who are dedicated to helping each other become the best writers possible. Click here for the list of participants and take a break and visit them. 

We are traveling this week so I can't visit hop participants, but I'll catch up when I can. 

Finding Content for FB Live by J.Q. Rose

I've been playing around with live streaming videos on Facebook--FB Live. It's fun. I'm learning by doing.

Why use FB Live Video? Not only is it fun, but these videos on Facebook can be used as a marketing tool to get the attention of viewers/readers. FB Live videos can be used on your blog, Youtube, social media--anywhere you leave your "footprint on the web." 

Research has shown video keeps visitors on your website longer and engages browsers more than just text or text and image. 

The gurus say "relationship marketing" is the way to go to sell your products online such as your books, online courses, webinars, etc. FB Live allows viewers to meet you via video and affords them the opportunity to connect with you.

Use Content from your Blog Posts

Rather than spending valuable time writing a manuscript/notes for a FB Live video, I use content from my blog posts. I based the following video on a blog post about Writers Groups--Points to Ponder. Click here if you wish to read the entire blog post written in 2017.

VIDEO: Writers Groups--8 Tips for Having a Productive Meeting

Writers Groups--8 Tips for Having a Productive Meeting

If you think you can't do live streaming because you have no topics, then look no further than your own blog for ideas. 

Have you tried FB Live or live streaming on Youtube? Leave us your feedback in the comments below. Thank you..

Want to watch more FB Live videos on Writing Tips? Click here to visit my Facebook Author Page, J.Q. Rose, and click 'videos' in the left sidebar. Please like my page while you're there. Leave your FB link, so I can visit you. Thanks.

Click here to visit bloggers sharing helpful tips for this amazing writer journey. Thank you.
Keep reading AND writing!


Anonymous said...

I've read that FB live videos are great but I imagine I'd go blank and sit there gulping. Do you think pre-recorded videos would be nearly as beneficial?

emaginette said...

The most I've ever done is repost something I adore. Like a horse playing with an enormous ball for example. ;-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Raimey Gallant said...

It's so nice to see you on video. I feel like I know you now!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Interesting. I'm not sure I have the confidence to do that. Not yet.
Susan Says

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Great tips, Janet. I've been known to do just this when taping my videos. I haven't tried FB Live--definitely will give it a try.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes,Allie,videos increase engagement. You can do a power point presentation too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yep that gets attention too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Raimey, thanks. That's the point of videos. Hooray, it worked!!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan. Try making a video using Lumen 5. You aren t even on camera.

J.Q. Rose said...

Alright! You go GRRL!

Juneta key said...

I don't know that I want to see myself on video. I hate taking a picture as it is. I really enjoyed watching you though. Great post.

Helena Fairfax said...

Great post, JQ. This sort of approach - with the FB videos, Youtube vlogs, podcasts, etc - seems like a good way to go. That's a great idea to use old blog posts. I have a ton of them! :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Juneta. It takes some getting used to watching me. The voice is so different and my hair is parted on the wrong side!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks. Yes we can be doing videos forever with all those blog posts.

Akseosolutions said...

Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. pop over to this web-site

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