Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Balancing Writing and Life

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story blog. My name is J.Q. Rose and I'm a writer.

My selfish-side enjoys escaping into the world of fiction and letting the right side of my brain have free reign. So much fun to play with the words, name and develop the characters, set them in make-believe or believable settings, and cavort with them through the pages. I agree with Natalie Goldberg's quote below: "There is freedom in being a writer and writing. It is fulfilling your function. ...knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth and then simply doing it."
Freedom in being a writer
Quote by Natalie Goldberg
I have had the heart of a writer since second grade. But the opportunity to actually DO it and have my work published didn't appear until after we had sold our floral business and we were empty-nesters. Being a business owner, a floral designer, a mom defined me. But I suddenly found myself not knowing who I was anymore or what I was to do with my life. Writing gave me purpose in my life.

That purpose evolved from simply enjoying getting the words on paper to entertaining and informing my readers. To laugh, cry, wonder, think as they get caught up in my stories. My desire is for readers to feel an emotional tweak of the heart.

A tweak of the heart for readers
Quote by J.Q. Rose
However, in the last few weeks, I got lost. I was separated from my writing because I was exploring all the "stuff" that is available on the Internet for writers in the 21st century. I have attended Free webinars (classes) on the following subjects.
  • Landing pages
  • Opt-ins
  • Autoresponders
  • Facebook Live
  • Email courses
  • Teaching online courses
  • Monetizing a blog
  • SEO and keyword finders
Stop the madness! My brain was on overload with all the facts, figures, and ideas.

If I really want to get my books into the hands of readers in this age of technology, I have to learn these things in order to sell books. (Be assured it's okay to make money as a writer.) I also have an obligation to my publisher to get some cash in her pocket. But binging on these webinars has gotten me nowhere, except with pages of notes. Once I filter through them, I'll discover a few nuggets of useful information from excellent, inspiring presenters. But implementing all of these ideas will take time and patience. I know now I tried cramming so much information into my head, I lost time for writing. I'll have to find a balance in my life to be sure I make room for writing.

How about you? What separates you from your writing or reading? Any advice for us? Please leave a comment below.
PROMOTION TIME for Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden 
by J.Q. Rose with Gardener Ted
Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden
by J.Q. Rose and Gardener Ted
99 cents

Do you want to savor vegetables grown in your own back yard? Save money on food? Add healthy vegetables to your diet? This vegetable gardening guide can help you with quick, practical tips on growing a vegetable garden. Learn how to get ready for gardening, how to plan a garden for four seasons of eating enjoyment, how to start seeds and more. Quick Tips for Vegetable Gardening is dedicated to offering you quick tips and advice for you to grow veggies in a garden plot, container, raised bed, or vertical gardening. This eBook is written with clear and concise tips to get you started. 

The purpose of sharing these gardening tips is not only to advise you on best gardening practices but also to afford you the opportunity for a satisfying and fulfilling experience with a garden that produces delicious vegetables for your eating pleasure year after year. 

The authors have years of experience growing their own vegetable gardens, producing plants in commercial greenhouses, and owning and operating a garden center. They know how to grow a productive garden. 
Get this eBook for 99 cents. Click the highlighted links to download now at 
Amazon and at major digital booksellers.

I think your Quick Tips for Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden is wonderful! Not only is it loaded with practical information, but its clear, concise style also makes this a great resource for both new and experienced gardeners! I enjoyed the quotes at the beginning of each section! They just made me feel 'good' about the excitement of sticking my fingers in that little bit of defrosted soil in the next couple months! Cathy E.
AMAZON Most Helpful Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Tips February 17, 2015
If you hadn't planned on planting a garden, this book might change your mind. Precise, easy directions for every aspect of gardening. J.Q. Rose and Gardener Ted make a great team. 

5.0 out of 5 stars Simple to follow-quick tips February 20, 2015
By S. Roan
Verified Purchase
Love the easy flow and down to earth approach! Great tips from tried and true gardening. New gardeners and the more seasoned can find helpful ideas to utilize.


Helena Fairfax said...

There's so much to learn about writing and marketing your book. Before I got published, I used to have time to write! I hope you can get back to your own writing soon and use your new knowledge to launch your book on release. Good luck wiht it!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Helena.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I've had a similar experience with all the webinars. It's too much for what my brain can do. I have tried many options, mostly with lackluster results, so am going back to the basics--writing!

Nan P said...

I know exactly what you mean. My head is swimming with marketing suggestions. Just absorbing it all takes an enormous amount of time, to say nothing of actually implementing the suggestions. I have to say I haven't made much progress on my writing projects since I signed the book contract. (Then again, I wasn't making tremendous progress on them before the book contract.)

J.Q. Rose said...

Good idea, Jacqui. I just feel like I'm missing out on something if I don't keep watching. Guess I'm only missing out on finishing this memoir!! LOL

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Nan, yes it can become so garbled with ideas you don't know where to go first. I guess, just pick one and dive in!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. I think you nailed it. There's so much out there to take us away form writing. For me it's been church activities and family. I used Draft 2 Digital to format and upload by latest book to iTunes, B & N, and KOBO, and Amazon. But for the print book, I ended up formatting it myself. Didn't think that would be possible, but the Kindle program on my computer helped a lot. Then a friend jumped in and fixed the last problem. Then you've got all the marketing stuff. Yeah, it's pretty mind-blowing. But I think all the learning is good for us. I admire how you juggle so much, JQ. But now, you need to finish the memoir. I'm really looking forward to reading it. :) I've shared.

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