Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Importance of Book Reviews for Readers and Writers and Tips on Writing Book Reviews by J.Q. Rose

Book Reviews: Their Importance and
How to Write Them
The Importance of  Book Reviews for Readers and Writers

Book Reviews, oh the pressure of reading the book and then writing the review brings back the picture of my sixth-grade teacher hovering over me, making sure the book review I write for a grade is perfect. And don't even go there about her criticism about the grammar and spelling or even neat handwriting. Visions of all the red ink that covered the page come to mind where Miss Oldaker noted every error. And then, the command to "re-write" the entire review.

Okay, relax. You can breathe now. We are not talking about a sixth-grade book report. Far from it. I'm discussing online book reviews, a kinder, gentler exercise written because you want to share the great book you read with other readers so they can enjoy the experience as much as you did.

Word-of-mouth is the best advertising when one receives information about a product or service from a friend, neighbor, or family member. Online book reviews work in a similar fashion. Do you read product reviews online to help you decide whether to purchase? Click here for a study showing that 85 percent of people trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. Book reviews can make a difference in influencing readers to buy a book.

Book publishing has changed the way it does business. Authors and small presses are able to publish their books with easy access to readers instead of having to go through only the elite few of big city publishers. The advent of super booksellers online allows readers to share their opinion about the books they read to help readers find a book as well as authors to get noticed.

No longer is a book published, then off the shelves after a few months. Instead, the book is available for a long time on virtual shelves and its popularity can grow through time. Sales can occur throughout its lifetime rather than a flush of sales when first released. 

Readers and their reviews drive this new model and mindset in book publishing.

If you're a writer, be prepared to market your book forever! Just because your book is a year old or two years old or more, celebrate each birthday and in between with fresh new ideas on promoting it.
Tips on Writing a Book Review
Tips on Writing a Book Review
Consider these tips when writing a book review.
* Go to the page where you bought the book and near the book review comments area, you will find a place to click that says "Write a Review."
* Rate the book using the bookseller's ratings e.g. 1-5 stars. 5 Stars means you really really loved the book, 1 star is you didn't like the book. 
* Because you are on the book's sales page, you do not need to explain the whole plot of the book because it is on the sales page.
* Don't worry about a title for the review yet. Write the review first, then pick out a phrase you used in the review as the title.
* You need not write a long review. Three sentences or more are fine as long as the reader understands if you liked the book or not and why e.g. I liked the book because I really identified with the main character or I liked the way the author described the setting of the book.
*Write as if you are talking to a friend on the phone or at a coffee shop. Keep it casual and write how you talk. 
* Compare it to another book you liked and why this book reminded you of the other book.
* If you feel you'd like to read another book by the author, say so.
* Recommend it to readers of the genre such as cozy mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.
* If you received the book as a gift from the author or publisher, amazon requires you to divulge this. But just say you are voluntarily leaving a book review. 
*You'll receive an email from the bookseller allowing you to read through the review and make changes if needed.
* You can leave your book review at goodreads, amazon, kobo, barnes and noble, walmart and booksellers where you have an account.

The information in the diyMFA newsletter by Gabriella Pereira inspired this blog post. 

Articles on Book Reviews by Sandra Beckwith contributed to this post. 
Click here to visit Sandra's site at Build Book Buzz.
Thank you Gabriella and Sandra!

This article was originally published in February 2019. Because it was a popular one, I thought I'd re-cycle it this week so I can enjoy a lovely summer week!

Do you leave book reviews online? I hope so. Since my publisher turned my mysteries into second editions, I lost all the reviews. Sad. If you have read my books, I would appreciate adding a review to the book sales page. Thank you.

Meet authors and discover new books
at the Summer Readers Circle.
GOOD NEWS: Double the fun next week when two guest authors visit to explain why they wrote their book and to answer questions from readers in the Readers Circle. Stop in to meet my BWL Publishing pals, Reed Stirling and Connie Vines. 

Have a fantastic week full of summer fun!


Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good post and really good tips. It's sometimes difficult to review a book that doesn't inspire. Now I have a template.

J.Q. Rose said...

Good. Glad it's helpful. If you'd like the review form, I can email it to you. Lots more detail.

Nan P said...

Good tips, JQ. I'd like to get the review form.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks,Nan. I'll email the form to you.

Albert john said...

Just desired to fall a quick note on "Tips on Writing a Book." One golden chunk I've found is the magic of outsourcing. Don't hesitate to explore a reliable the ebookwritingservice (https://ebookwritingservice.us.com/). It's a game-changer in turning your ideas into a clear narrative. By sharing the load, you can focus on your muscles, making the writing process a breeze. Personal tip: Communication is key! Make sure you and your desired service are on the same page for that seamless collaboration

Faisal Aftab said...

Writing thoughtful book reviews not only helps fellow readers discover great reads but also supports authors in reaching wider audiences. It's like being an early stage investors in literary gems—your insights can spark interest and influence others' reading choices. Embrace the joy of sharing your reading experiences online!

Hussain said...

Wow, what a fantastic guide on book reviews! 📚✨ Just like a thoughtful review can boost a book’s success, the best venture capital firms use their expertise to lift innovative ideas to new heights. 🚀 Keep those reviews coming and watch the impact unfold! 🌟

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