Tuesday, January 1, 2019

IWSG Blog Hop: I Love Curious Readers, Booksigning Questions, 2018 Goals Results

Happy New Year 2019 
from J.Q. Rose
IWSG Badge
IWSG Blog Hop---the first Wednesday of every Month.

Hello and welcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group Blog Hop! 

Always on the first Wednesday of the month.

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?

Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. To find out more, click this link: 
 Insecure Writer’s Support Group

The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 
You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. Click here to sign-up to join.

January 2 question -
What are your favorite and least favorite questions
 people ask you about your writing?

I can't say I have favorite and least favorite questions from people. I'm just happy when someone asks any question about my writing because that person shows interest and could be a possible fan!. 

If someone makes a comment about one of my books, usually it's to tell me they liked it or they were surprised I wrote a spicy story! The eyebrows shoot up to their scalp line and the shock on the reader's face is priceless. You can see the wheels whirring in their brain about how a woman my age and from such a conservative background could write about murder, mystery, horror, romance. LOL Others are amazed I wrote an entire novel. Many assure me they're going to write a book..someday.

I love signing books when requested, but I always wonder if I wrote something inside that the reader will cherish or think how clever. I worry about sounding foolish or trite. 

After I've signed my book, I always think my handwriting could have been better. I have a horrible time writing on a level line. Somehow the words always float upward. 

Do I sound insecure about book signings? Yes, I am!

What has been your experience when doing book signings? 
* * *
Photo courtesy of rawpixel at Pixabay

In December 2018 I actually listed my goals for 2018. Today I am going to be honest with you and list them AND admit whether I hit the goal or not.

My Writing Goals for 2018 by J.Q. Rose RESULTS

1. Complete my memoir, Looking Through Rose-Colored Glasses (working title) Not complete, but coming along, In fact, the first chapter made the shortlist in a contest this past December.
2. Post FB Live videos on my J.Q. Rose, Author page. YES and it is so much fun!
3. Gather 150 more followers who "like" my J.Q. Rose, Author page. Nope, not even close. Any ideas on how to get more likes?
4. Install a landing page on my website to help build an email list. NO. I have tried and tried to figure this out but cannot discover how to connect the free gift to the reader.
5. Plan a blog tour and visit my hosts this winter to give away prizes and shout about my latest mystery, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard. YES and I loved hopping around cyberspace and getting to know my blog hosts and readers. 

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard
Paranormal Mystery
Click here to order at these digital stores
There they are in black and white. This makes me more accountable by sharing it with readers. I'm sure I'll be able to mark off these four items from the list as "Done!" by January 1, 2019. Well, at least I accomplished 2.5 of the goals. 

Be sure to follow the Focused on Story Blog 
so I can keep you updated on my 2019 projects!

Thanks so much for stopping in today.


Pat Garcia said...

Happy New Year!
I can't write on a level line either. I start out at one end and sometime just write down the page. :-)
I love your writing style. I have three of your books and enjoyed reading them, especially the anthology on writing for Romance and Mystery writers.
Wishing you much success for 2019.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Sarah Foster said...

Happy New Year! I think people I know (especially the coworkers who usually ask me what my book is about) would be surprised at the book I'm writing. I think that's why I hate talking about it!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I miss doing book signings. I used to do them all the time and it was a joy to sign a book. Although I've done so many and signed so many books that it's a struggle to think of something new and meaningful to say.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Pat, I have heard people who are creative can't write on a level line, so I guess that's a good thing! Thank you for your kind words about my books. You turned my kind of rotten day into a good one!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Oohhh--you should talk about it because they'll be so intrigued they'll want to read it. And cause quite a buzz about that Sarah Foster! LOL..You go, grrl!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Diane, always looking for something new and meaningful to sign. I try to think up a few things before the booksigning so I'll be ready, but when I actually have to sign I'm too excited to remember!! LOL

Nan P said...

Enjoyed reading about your 2018 goals and progress on them. I'm quite sure you'll be able to check off those lingering items in 2019.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Nan. Thanks for your vote of confidence. Enjoyed reading your plans for 2019 at your Heartwood blog.

emaginette said...

I've never done it. ;-P

Anna from elements of emaginette

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I've wanted to do a book signing but in my particular case, I can't. However, I'll be doing an interview soon for a very targeted audience and that's super exciting for me. :)

Keep up the great work on checking off your goals. You're going to rock 2019!


Tyrean Martinson said...

I get nervous about my signature, too. Book signings are kind of scary, but wonderful at the same time.
Good going on your goals!

octoberyears said...

JQ -- As an IWSG newbie I was interested in reading your 2018 Goals, and the results you managed to attain. Shamefully, I appreciated seeing the times when you came up short. Should I gloat about not being the only one?

Thankfully, after all these years of stumbling around I've learned not to beat myself up too badly.

Chrys Fey said...

That's very true. I like it when people ask me questions about my writing and/or books because that means they are interested.

Good luck with all of your goals!

Erika Beebe said...

I love your positive spin on questions. I love your positive voice this month Janet. Thank you. It really perked me up. Congratulations on your goals! 2.5 is more than before :)

Pat Hatt said...

Yeah, no way my handwriting is legible. Can be good sometimes though haha asking about writing means they are interested, hopefully, indeed.

Juneta key said...

No experience of book signings yet.

I can help you with connecting your reader with your free gift. Email me. I can help with landing pages too or any other website related type thing although you will have adapt WP to blogger but I don't think they are so unsimilar to not be similar. Email me. Great post.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Great goals. Best of luck with them. I don't make goals because I wouldn't keep them. When I sigh a book I hope my words can be read. Have a great new year.

Sara Codair said...

I've only done one book signing, and most of the people who came were relatives, friends, friends of friends, or friends of family. I found myself writing a lot of personal messages.

Helena Fairfax said...

Happy New Year, JQ! I've never done a book signing, but I have signed copies for people who've requested them. I have never liked my handwriting, and was always in trouble for it at school!
Congratulations on your achievements in 2018. I did my newsletter through Mailchimp and it wasn't easy at all to set up. But it gives me a lot wider reach than my Facebook page, and I don't bother with my FB page much now at all.
Best of luck with your goals for 2019. I do hope your memoirs will be out by the end of the year! xx

Sandra Cox said...

Good response to questions! What a great attitude.
Count me in for your blog tour.
Wishing you much creativity in 2019, Janet.

cleemckenzie said...

I find it funny when someone says they're surprised I write what I do. I guess the packaging doesn't match the subject matter I turn out, either. Happy 2019.

Diane Burton said...

My handwriting is awful. I'm painfully aware of that when I sign books. Good thing we have computers. LOL Good luck with your blog tour. Drop me a line if you want more exposure. I love visitors.

Fundy Blue said...

HI, JQ! I've never done a book signing. I still have to publish that book. But I have had many books signed by authors at book signings ~ especially children's books. I always sent my nieces and nephews books for their birthdays and at Christmas, and I bought many, many books for my second and third grade classroom. I had many of them signed, so much so that one little niece thought books were always signed by authors. I treasure all of the authors' messages and signatures, and they are as varied as the authors. I'm sure your signing messages are appreciated by the recipients. Maybe I should venture outside my comfort box and write something spicy ~ but only with the understanding that no one would ever see it ~ LOL Have a good one!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey, sounds like the interview is a great opportunity for you. Thanks, I'll keep plugging along toward accomplishing my goals. You're gonna rock in 2019 too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Tyread.

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL--you're only human and I'd say that's a human reaction! You are developing a good attitude. It's tough not to beat yourself up. Good job.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Chrys!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you Erika. I try to be the "glass-half-full" kind of gal.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Pat, I think I'm more conscious of my handwriting since I taught it to 3rd graders...now, it's almost a lost art and that makes me sad. And writing reveals a lot about the writer's personality.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Juneta. I appreciate your offer. I'll email you next week.

J.Q. Rose said...

I don't usually make goals either. In fact, I'd forgotten all about the 2018 list till I came across the post when creating this post. I should tack the goals up on my bulletin board so I can see them everyday! Happy New Year!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh Sara, there would be even more pressure to write something brilliant when signing on family and friends books. Good for you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, yes I have struggled with Mailchimp and Vertical Response. I just need to concentrate and get serious. Plus after all these years, I have never collected emails for a list. Taking baby steps in this field. Thanks, Helena.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Sandra, Thank you! Love your positive attitude!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Well said!! That's funny.

J.Q. Rose said...

Spicy writing is a challenge. Cute story about your niece expecting every book to have a signature. Thanks for stopping in.

The Cynical Sailor said...

I love that people are surprised that you wrote a spicy story :-) Their reactions must have been priceless. I think it'd be fun to write a story that no one would have expected from me. I've liked your FB page. If you can crack the code about how to get people to like your page, let me know. I could do with some likes as well on my author FB page :-)

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