a lover of words, Dictionary.com
Another name for a logophile is Word Nerd. Do you agree? This whole month Focused on Story is for logophiles. In the beginning of this challenge, I explained my theme—I’ll share words that have caught my attention, words that fascinate me, words that roll off the tongue, words that make a sound (crackle), and words that have been in my vocabulary for one reason or another which I will explain. Many of the words are new-to-me. Hopefully, by including them in this survey of words, my vocabulary will expand and perhaps, yours will too.
Because we love words, sometimes we are carried away with "elegant" words and forget to use words to match our voice. She calls a story “overblown” when trying to impress readers with our vocabulary.
“Stories do not exist to showcase words. Rather, words exist to tell stories.” K.M. Weiland
It is my hope, when you learn a new word this month on this blog, when you use it in your article or story, it will be appropriate and not sound pretentious.
Click here to read the entire article. I’m a subscriber to her blog because she is so clear with her tips on improving writing.
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Are you a Word Nerd? If so, why? Please leave a comment below. I love meeting readers.
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of all participants who signed up
for the #AtoZchallenge 2018.
I am a word nerd of the highest order, and I have to work hard not to slip in a few choicely obscure but erudite ones into my fiction. I have been know to create snobbish characters just so I could exploit my vocabulary and try to impress my readers. Total fail.
Great theme. Good luck on your way to Z.
Great Word. Love it.
Thanks, Lee. I know what you mean slipping in those 50 cent words, then of course deleting them and replacing them with those darn ordinary words in the editing. Thanks for the good wishes to reach Z. I'm enjoying the journey.
Thanks, Juneta!!
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