Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Loving Unconditionally

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog by J.Q. Rose. 
Are you a word lover? If so, you're here at the right place. All this month I'll be revealing words that fascinate me using the letters of the alphabet for prompts. Join in and leave your favorite, fascinating words in a comment below. Thank you. 

 not limited by conditions; absolute :
an unconditional promise.
 Mathematics. absolute,

Absolute defines my idea of unconditional

free from imperfection; complete; perfect:
absolute liberty..
not mixed or adulterated; pure:
absolute alcohol.
complete; outright:
an absolute lie; an absolute denial.
free from restriction or limitation; not limited in any way:
absolute command; absolute freedom.
unrestrained or unlimited by a constitution, counterbalancing group, etc., in the exercise of governmental power, especially when arbitrary or despotic:
an absolute monarch.
viewed independently; not comparative or relative; ultimate; intrinsic:
absolute knowledge.
positive; certain:
absolute in opinion; absolute evidence.

Unconditional is used in so many instances, but it always means unlimited. When I first thought of using this word, I thought about the unconditional love a parent has for a child. No matter what that child has done—lied, stolen, cheated, or perhaps even murdered, the parents will still love that child. That doesn’t mean a parent affirms the child’s actions, but the mother and father will always carry their child in their hearts and look out for the welfare of the child.

Much like the love of God is unconditional, it is difficult to comprehend unconditional love. Like one minister always said, "God loves you and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Unconditional Love is not the case of being blinded by love but rather the resolution that nothing is more important than love." 
– Talidari

According to an article at WikiHow, “Unconditional love is the action, the choice to strive for the well-being of another. The feeling you derive from acting with love is your reward, the return you “get” from your own action.”
Click here for the entire article on unconditional love.

Do you love someone unconditionally? Books and stories often include a hero/heroine who loves someone unconditionally. Can you think of one? Leave your comment below. I'd love to read your suggestions. Leave your blog address so I can visit your A to Z posts. Thanks.

Click here to connect online with J. Q. at Facebook. Like my page and I'll be happy to like you back. Thank you.

of all participants who signed up
for the #AtoZchallenge 2018.

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