Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog.
Time for the monthly meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group(IWSG) blog hop!
Internet Writers Support Group Blog Hop
First Wednesday of every month.
What is IWSG? Founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.
The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month. The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page. I hope you'll take some time to visit the diverse list of bloggers.
IWSG Question for the Month
Question: Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in??
My desk
Yes, I surprised myself when I began writing my memoir. I'm a mystery writer. And my life was no mystery to me. But I felt that tingle of desire to write my story for our children and perhaps for publication, if brave enough.
My author friend's story inspired me to try and put together a memoir. She wrote a beautiful story about her experience as a 16-year-old who moved with her family to Samoa for a two year mission trip. She captured the beauty, the culture, and the people of the island as well as her teen angst of fitting-in. Everyone could understand her situation.
I thought of a memoir as kind of stuffy writing with depressing trials and tribulation. Hers was not. Instead it was a touching story filled with humor. So I have had a great time putting together the story of our first year in the floral business. The memoir is far from complete, and I'm not exactly comfortable with memoir/life story writing. But I am enjoying the experience.
Seeing the 40-year-old story from today's perspective really added more color to my life and to its meaning. I hope that a reader will be inspired to try something new. I am the guide for her/him to know that it is possible to succeed.
Lots of writing utensils here! Do you have such a collection on your desk?
I'm anxious to read your surprises in your writing. Can you recommend a memoir you have enjoyed reading? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
Clever girl. I didn't know you had s floral shop. The things you learn about others. Good luck with your memoir.
I don't know much about writing memoirs either. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
I haven't attempted the memoir genre yet. But I do know a great one my friend wrote called 5 islands diaries: stories of love lost and found by Martha McCarty. It's very sweet and poetic. Lovely post :)
I agree that it takes bravery to write a memoir and share it. Much harder than fiction. I hope it is received well when you let it fly.
Anna from elements of emaginette
And that is one of the purposes for writing a memoir! We become the guide to the unknown him or her to let them know they can co it.
Go ahead with your memolr. You've already impressed me.
Shalom aleichem,
Patricia Everything Must Change
Perhaps it is my personal feeling, but what I believe I am reflecting in what I will call a "memoir" is less about me than the times/people/lifestyles of a certain era. My working title is "The Depression Era Babies" - about the children born in the early 1930's who grew up in the hard times and during WW2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt... the one constant for us then.
There aren't too many of us left these days, and it was a time for city kids so very, very different than now. I keep thinking, who the heck would want to read about those days...ice boxes, ten cent movies, horse drawn garbage collection, cursive writing, walking a mile to school. Ah well!
Marty Weiss
I don't have a memoir...yet. Can you imagine one for such a talented guy as I, I.B. Nosey? heh heh
Sounds cool for you, though, Ms. Rose. Hey, Rose. A floral shop. Ha, ha! I see where you got your name! Am I smart, or am I smart?
Also, @MartyWeiss, you bet there's a spot for you! C'mon on over and join Bobby Sox & Rotary Dial blog. We LOVE hearing stories from yesteryears! It might say "1950's", but if you're before that, please share! That's exactly what we're looking for.
Honestly, I don't think I've ever read someone's memoirs, so I would be completely clueless when it comes to writing my own. :-D
@Sandy--Thanks so much. I'll need some luck.
@Juneta--I'm trying to do the right things, but we won't know till I share it with readers!!
@ Erika--thanks for suggesting the memoir. I'll find it.
@Anna--Thanks so much.
@Pat--Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
@Marty--I agree a memoir is about the times and how you lived as well as your own feelings about what was happening around you. It is also a historical record and if enough of us tell our stories, history can't be re-written because we are the witnesses to that era. Please write your memoir. It is a precious gift to your family and friends and if you decide to publish it, to your readers.
Hey, I.B.--I think Miss Mae could write your memoir!!
@Misha--There are lots of memoirs out there nowadays. Some good, some not. Right now I am reading Pat Conroy's The Water is Wide and loving it. He's a schoolteacher and I was too for awhile so I kind of understand where he is coming from. You don't need to write a memoir. But you could write down some of the stories your family shares when they get together. That's a good way to start writing your life story. Thank you for stopping by.
Good for you trying something new like a memoir. My daughter and daughter-in-law both gave me those books for grandparents to write for the grandkids. The fill in the blanks about my life. The books are still empty. LOL Maybe I'm not ready yet. I do tell the grandkids stories, so maybe I should write them down.
Hi Diane, my daughter gave me one of those books too a long time ago. I just came across it recently--empty--just like yours! LOL Yes, do try and write those stories down. You'll have fun and your kids will appreciate it.
If you want a great memoir that is definitely NOT stuffy check out "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson. Also I've read a few very good memoirs by professional wrestlers, but that may not be your cup of tea. :)
I have a bunch of old pens, highlighters, markers and pencils on my desk, but I only ever use exactly one of them. And when that one wears out I replace it with another exactly the same. The rest are basically just decoration at this point.
I think I would really enjoy a fun-filled, joy-filled memoir! I like travel memoirs, which fascinate me both for the travel aspects and for the joy in them. I like Turn Right at Macchu Picchu, Walking Home, and Notes From a Small Island. They're all travel based in some way, even though the author of Walking Home is in his own country, his walkabout is interesting and new to him, which makes it fresh and exciting to read.
Hi C.D.--Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds like an entertaining read. You know we have all those pens, pencils, markers on the desk. And now that I think about it, I use just one most of the time too! But the can full does add color to the desktop!!
Ah, Tyrean, you hit me where my heart is--travel. I will definitely look into these memoir suggestions. Thank you.
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