Thursday, August 17, 2017

Summer Readers Circle: Janet Lane Walters' Murder and Mint Tea, Giveaway

Multi-genre author Janet Lane Walters joins us in the Summer Readers Circle. 
Hello and welcome to the Summer Readers Circle. 

Summer is winding down, but our authors and their books are going strong! This week Multi-genre author Janet Lane Walters joins us in the Readers Circle. Janet has generously offered to  give away an autographed print copy of one of her books. Book and winner will be chosen randomly, Leave a comment below to be entered in the drawing. Deadline for entry is Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 10 pm EDST. Open to Canada and US residents only.

Summer and Me by Janet Lane Walters
Summer Sun
Bears hibernate in the winter. I hibernate in the summer. When the temperature rises above 80 degrees, I run for the air conditioned house and stay there as much as I can. Other people adore summer and all those things one does in the summer. I do not. I find swimming unless it’s in an indoor pool where the sun can’t reach my skin. If the sun does, I burn and blister. No amount of sunscreen keeps the rays from charring. 

The last time I camped, I ended up with pneumonia, so camping is out. About fishing, I don’t think so. Once some nice friends brought some fish they’d caught. I couldn’t cook them since they left the heads on and all I saw was those beady eyes. 

The only possible thing I like about summer is my birthday but even that becomes boring at my age. How many times can you tell people you’re twenty-nine? I guess that’s it for summer and me.

Murder and Mint Tea by Janet Lane Walters
"a classic American whodunit"
Back of the Book: Murder and Mint Tea by Janet Lane Walters
Katherine has no desire for a third career but dead bodies seem to gather.
Katherine is a retired nurse and a retired church organist. The small Hudson River village where she lives in her Victorian “Painted Lady” makes her the neighborhood matriarch. Along with her Maine Coon Cat Robespierre, she guards friends and families.

When amoral Rachel moves into the first floor apartment of Katherine’s house, trouble erupts. The murder weapon is one she recognizes and makes her fear for her friends and family. Finding the killer becomes her goal.

Connect online with Janet


About Janet:
Janet lane Walters was born in Wilkensburg, Pa July 17, 1936 reported to be the hottest day of the summer. She has been a published author since 1968 beginning with short stories and moving into novels when an editor told her a short story sounded like a synopsis for a novel. In the 1970s and 1980s she published four sweet nurse romance novels. Then she returned to
Author Janet Lane Walters
school to earn a BS in nursing and a BA in English. Returning to work as a nurse to help put four children through college she put her writing career on hold. In 1993 she retired from nursing and began writing again. A new nurse romance followed in print. Then she discovered electronic publishing and since 1998 has been electronically published.

Janet calls herself an eclectic writer since she moved from genre to genre. There are mysteries featuring Katherine Miller a former nurse who seems to stumble over bodies wherever she goes. Using her interest in Astrology, she has several series that use Astrology as a premise for the stories. Once she earned enough money to travel to Ireland by casting charts for people. She has many books in the romance genre, some of them are contemporary and are nurse romance, others fall into the fantasy or paranormal forms of romance. Interested in reincarnation, she has used this as a jumping point for at least two novels. Two of her novels deal with alternate worlds using a love affair with Ancient Egypt.

Under her other name J.L. Walters she has written a YA fantasy series called Affinities. She has also written a non-fiction book when her co-author Jane Toombs that won the EPIC Award in 2003 for best Non-fiction. During her career she has received other awards and has a number of great reviews.

Besides her four adult children, she has seven grandchildren. Five of them are the models for the YA series. The other two arrived too late to play a large role in the series. Four of her grandchildren are bi-racial and three are Chinese so the eclectic even invades her family. She has been married to the same man for more than 50 years. He's a psychiatrist who refuses to cure her obsession for writing.

Readers Circle
Fridays this summer
Meet authors, discover books, win prizes!!
Next Friday, August 25, British romance author Helena Fairfax joins us in the Summer Readers Circle. Be sure to mark the date to return, or better yet, Follow by Email so you don't miss any blog posts on the J. Q. Rose blog!! I promise, NO SPAM.


Helena Fairfax said...

Janet, I can totally sympathise with your not liking the heat. I'm a redhead (gone grey now) and I have pale skin, and I burn too. Luckily, here where I live in the north of England, harsh sunlight is rarely a problem :) Summer is pretty mild and it's over only too quickly for me! Good to meet you through JQ's blog. Hope you're looking forward to autumn!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, Aha, I too am another fair-skinned lady who burns in the sun. I still remember my mom patting vinegar on that sunburn when I was a kid. I not only hurt, but I smelled like vinegar....ooohhh Thanks for stopping in Helena.

J.Q. Rose said...

From one Janet to another, Thank you Janet for being my guest this week!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Nice to meet you Janet. Love the cat on the front of your book. More of a dog person, but his cat has personality. I too dislike summer. It's just gets too hot in Texas to be away from the AC for any time. Even getting in the car can be dangerous. Burning hands and legs and passing out from the 109 temp you inside car temp can reach. Eager for the fall, which doesn't come until almost November. Good luck with your book. :) I've shared.

Janet Lane Walters said...

Janet, Thanks for having me. Those of us with reddish hair do burn. I once had one so bad my mother put wet tea leaves over my body. Though my hair was red-brown, it is now white with a streak of blue.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Marsha, 109 degrees in the car? Wow! When we visited the Southwest last summer, Vegas was 112 degrees when we landed. We chose the wrong time of year to go SW. Dumb northerners...We ended up spending more time in Colorado where it was cooler. But I'm glad we saw the desert and the national parks. Stay cool!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Janet--I have never heard of putting tea leaves on a sunburn. At least they'd smell better than vinegar!!!

Janet Lane Walters said...

Evidently it has something to do with the tannin in the leaves. Maybe smelled better than vinegar but it was much messier,

J.Q. Rose said...

Ha, Janet. Never thought about the mess using tea leaves.

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