Friday, June 9, 2017

Summer Readers Circle: C. Hope Clark's Edisto Stranger, FREE eBook onWriting

Welcome non-fiction and mystery author C. Hope Clark to the Readers Circle.
You may know C. Hope Clark as the editor of the award-winning, Her Friday newsletters are packed with information and ideas to generate income from your writing career. 

If you are a fiction writer, have you thought about picking up some extra cash by submitting articles for magazines on writing or your passion for your hobby? How about the topic of your latest novel or short story? Is your main character a quilter (probably like you)? You could write an article for a quilting magazine or site AND get exposure for your book. If you are a children's writer, submit articles to magazines for children. 

Fund for Writers Newsletter
by C. Hope Clark
There are numerous ways to pick up more income and Hope can direct you to those sites. She even includes contests that pay. Check out Funds for Writers  for opportunities to expand your writing career.

Hope, please put on your mystery author hat and tell us about your experience when you entered the world of fiction. 

Thank you, Janet.

I realized when, after ten years, I finally published a mystery with a traditional publisher, that I still had not "arrived." As a matter of fact, I learned that we never arrive. We just take new steps. After building FundsforWriters for a decade, and speaking nationally, I learned that entering the fiction world put me in the position of a freshman in college, stepping out of being the big dog in high school. I was a novice. 

Nobody had heard of FFW in the fiction world, so I was a newbie of the highest order. I had to publish more and earn sufficient royalties to even be accepted in certain professional organizations. I've published the Carolina Slade mysteries and the Edisto Island mysteries and two nonfiction books, and I have climbed one more rung on that ladder. It's always an upward climb. It's never easy. And there is no top. If you aren't in this business for the enjoyment of the long haul, then leave. You most definitely have to enjoy the process or you are in the wrong game.

Thanks, Hope. Your experience is a good lesson for all of us. 

Edisto Stranger by C. Hope Clark
Book Four in the Edisto Island mysteries series
Back of the Book:
A cold case heats up . . . 
A dead man in Big Bay Creek, spring break, and a rogue FBI agent would be enough to drive Chief Callie Jean Morgan to drink . . . if she hadn't already quietly crawled inside a bottle of gin to drown her sorrows over a life ripped apart by too many losses.
When her investigation into the stranger's death heats up an unsolved abduction case, Callie finds herself pitted against the town council, her son, the agent, and even the raucous college kids enjoying idyllic Edisto Beach.
Amidst it all, Callie must find a way to reconcile her grief and her precious taste for gin before anyone else is killed.

About Hope:
Mystery Author C. Hope Clark
C. Hope Clark holds a fascination with the mystery genre and is author of The Carolina Slade Mystery Series as well as the Edisto Beach Series, both set in her home state of South Carolina. In her previous federal life, she performed administrative investigations and married the agent she met on a bribery investigation. She enjoys nothing more than editing her books on the back porch with him, overlooking the lake with bourbons in hand. She can be found either on the banks of Lake Murray or Edisto Beach with one or two dachshunds in her lap. 

Hope is also editor of the award-winning, chosen by Writer’s Digest Magazine for its 101 Best Websites for Writers for the past 14 years. Her Friday newsletters reach 40,000 readers, and she speaks at writing, reader and mystery events across the United States.  She also freelances and has been published in the likes of Writer’s Digest, The Writer, Writer’s Market, Guide to Literary Agents, and Guide to Self-Publishing. 

Connect with Hope at:

Funds for Writers

Hope is also a contributor to the Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing collection. She offered many helpful tips on writing, publishing, and marketing.

Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing eBook Available Now
Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing
Compiled by J.Q. Rose

If you would like a free copy of this eBook on writing, please let me know in the comments below. 

Back of the book: Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing
Need some help with your writing? Fifteen romance and mystery authors share writing tips they have gleaned from their experiences as “on-the-job” writers. The tips are organized into the main topics of writing, publishing, and marketing. The novelists also reveal the “light bulb moments” in their writing journey, questions they are asked most often, and the best advice on writing they have received. By offering their expertise, the authors hope to smooth the sometimes rocky road for new writers toward a rewarding career in writing. 
Best wishes to you for success in your writing career!
The authors who have graciously contributed to this project are:
Conda Douglas 
C. Hope Clark 
Gail Roughton 
Heather Fraser Brainerd
Heather Haven
Helena Fairfax
J.Q. Rose 
Joan Curtis 
Joselyn Vaughn
Kathy McIntosh 
Marsha West 
Melissa Maygrove
Miss Mae
Roseanne Dowell 
Sara-Jayne Townsend


J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Hope, for stepping in today and participating in the Summer Readers Circle. Love your mysteries!

Misha Gerrick said...

So true. Being a writer really is a never-ending journey. We never stop learning and having to climb. That said, this is one of the reasons why I love writing, so I can't complain. ^_^

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Misha. Yes, I'm afraid it's true we never stop learning and I love that too! Thanks for stopping in today.

Hope Clark said...

Thanks for the post! No, we never stop learning, and we should remain ever eager to me alive and learning. That's why my email box is always open for feedback.

Suzan Baker said...

I have not read any of these books. I need to catch up on my reading.
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Patricia Carter said...

I had not heard about FFW till now. Just read about it.
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