Thursday, June 22, 2017

Readers Circle: Heather Greenis' The Natasha Saga, Giveaway

Summer Readers Circle
J.Q. Rose blog every Friday
Please welcome my Canadian author friend, Heather Greenis, to the Readers Circle!
Heather and family plan to vacation in Alberta and explore that area of Canada's national parks as their way to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday in 2017.

Heather is generously giving away her entire collection of four e-books in Natasha's  family saga. Leave a comment to win. Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 27, 10 pm EDST.

Welcome, Heather!

Thank you, Janet
Canadian Flag

Canadian by Heather Greenis

Canadian, I believe in the environment and humanity. They are connected. If we don't look after our environment, we won't exist. It's that simple. 

The weather is crazy these days. I can't decide whether to keep my sandals out or put them back in the closet. I froze during our picnic lunch in mid June and was hunting for shade by mid afternoon. Climate change is alive.

I must admit, I love the four seasons, when I'm properly attired. Spring is my favourite. Nature is coming to life after a long nap. We live on an acre of property. I enjoy seeing crocus spring up from under the snow and the maple leaves slowly spring open. Speaking of maple, who could forget Canadian maple syrup. Yummy. Trees surround my property, but I seem to gravitate toward water, rocks and mountains.

This year Canada is turning 150 years young. The people within our great nation are celebrating, from coast to coast.

Map of Canada
Happy 150th Birthday!
For our family vacation, we are heading west. Alberta, here we come, complete with our park passes. A big thanks Federal Liberals. We'll be staying in our own great country this year. Who knows, I may be inspired for another novel while sightseeing in the park in Banff, Canmore and the Badlands. I've been told they are spectacular. The camera will be ready to capture our memories. 

The Natasha Saga - a four part family saga
A gift for one person that comments on the blog.

Back of the Book: Natasha's Saga by Heather Greenis
Empowerment shatters traditions and lives. Greed and pride have devastating consequences. Sacrifices must be made. Written on multiple levels, the saga deals with hope, relationships, and giving, set against a background of conflicting values. 
Through a series of dreams, modern day couple Keeghan and William follow the triumphs and tragedies of multiple generations of the Donovan family. A chance encounter changes Natasha’s life, forever. In her diary, Natasha writes of her dream, and her hope to escape a horrid dictated future.
Will Natasha's legacy survive an uncertain future? 

Inline image 2
The Natasha Saga by Heather Greenisa four part family saga

Heather's upcoming release,DONE, is coming soon!
Lady Justice
Courtesy of Pixabay
What can a prosecutor, arresting officer or judge do when constrained by the legal system? When the sentence is too lenient?  The animal abuser that Jenn Hastings prosecuted feels no remorse. He’s out of prison, able to do it again.  Will a desire for real justice create a vigilante?

About Heather:
Canadian, born and raised in Ontario, I'm humanitarian, and an environmentalist. Reduce, re-use and then recycle. I'm proud of the fact we have solar panels on our home. We aren't off the grid, but we are putting clean energy into the grid.
Author Heather Greenis

​We have a 20 pound fluff-ball who runs the house. The humans simply pay the bills and ensure she gets fed at least twice a day. She is rather insistent upon the treats as well. My sister calls her the 'princess'. Our dog isn't spoiled at all.

​I love baseball. Well, to be honest. I haven't played in years.  I'm a Blue Jays fan.  I like to grumble when they don't win. Why shouldn't they win every game of the long season?

During the winter months, you might find me at the local curling club.  I manage our junior league. This past season we had 25 kids between the ages of 7 and 16. I had six other coaches that assisted with the kids.  Thank goodness, I couldn't do it without them.

My husband is an avid reader who gets the first read on my manuscripts. If he likes it, he does some editing and gives me advice and suggestions. I'm always open for those, even when I grumble and argue about it. If he doesn't like my latest attempt, I sulk in the corner like a kid. Not really, just in my mind.  But that manuscript gets placed on the back-burner until I decide what to do with it. Delete is aways an option. 

watch my website for details
follow me on social media
look me up on instagram  " heather-at-work "

Next Week on the Readers Circle, Joan Yarmey-Davidson joins us. Come on back, ya'all!


Helena Fairfax said...

Good to hear from you on JQ's blog, Heather. My brother lived in Alberta for a couple of years and he loved it. So much to explore. What a great way to celebrate Canada's birthday. Hope you have a brilliant summer, and best wishes for your next release!

Heath Greenis said...

Hi Helena - thanks for responding. I think every province within Canada offers something unique and beautiful. It's the great thing about travelling. So much to discover and learn.
We arrived in Alberta yesterday. Canmore is nestled between mountains in the Rockies. We're loving it, so far. Have a wonderful summer

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, thank you for stopping by. Canada is a beautiful country. Hope you are enjoying a lovely summer too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Heather, I hope you are enjoying your get away. Thank you so much for visiting the JQ Rose blog this week. We loved our visit to Nova Scotia and PEI a couple of years ago. We were there on Canada Day in Halifax. I can only imagine what it will be like there this year with the 150th celebration.

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