Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy 150th Birthday Canada, A Tour of Green Gables PEI, Anne of Green Gables

Hello and welcome to the J Q Rose blog! 
Happy birthday, Canada!

In honor of Canada's 150th birthday this year, I'd like to share photos of our trip to Prince Edward Island, home of Green Gables. I blogged about this magical place when we visited in Summer 2015. Sit back and relax a few moments to enjoy a tour of this lovely place.

Green Gables, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Panoramic photo by J.Q. Rose
In this contemporary world of digital books and developing genres, L.M. Montgomery's books published beginning in 1908 are still popular today. Readers fell in love with Anne of Green Gables, a feisty, red-headed orphan who persuaded an elderly farmer and his sister to take her in even though they had wanted a boy to help work the farm. Her adventures are chronicled in a series of eight books which take place on Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada.
We visited Green Gables as one of our stops in PEI on our trip in 2015. Join me as we step through the portal back to the late 1800's at this charming farmstead rich in history and beauty.

This house actually existed during Lucy Montgomery's time. She could see it from her home she shared with her grandparents in Cavendish, PEI, and roamed the countryside around it. The house is furnished as she wrote about it in the books, much richer than the real occupants would have lived.

So here we go. Grab your bonnets and I'll show you around.

The path from the Green Gables Heritage Place Visitors Center leads you to this enormous barn. Inside are tools and machinery from the 19th century. This would be a fun and educational field trip for kids to learn about farming when there were no air-conditioned tractors or multitasking combines.

The green gables certainly signal you have arrived.

The furnishings were rich and lovely. Amazing wallpapers and carpeting in every room.

The kitchen was stocked with beautiful dishes and no modern conveniences. 

Where's the microwave, the running water, the refrigerator?Life would be hard in the 19th century. We complain, but this step back in time made me appreciate our modern way of life.
This is the entrance to the Haunted Woods.

The scenery in the area is breathtaking. No wonder Lucy Montgomery always referred to it as "home" even after she moved away to Ontario. Her final resting place is the Cavendish Cemetery.
# # # #
Have you read Anne of Green Gables? I started reading it before we left on our trip and throughout the visit (when I could keep my eyes open long enough to read.) The story is sweetly told. Now considered a children's book, Anne is a great gal to help the reader, young or old, to escape this modern world for awhile.

If you're interested in getting the Anne of Green Gables series , I downloaded this eBook and I'm happy with the formatting. All but two of the series are in the book, plus many other books by L.M. Montgomery, and also the classics, Pride and Prejudice and Call of the Wild.

Photos by J.Q. Rose

Summer Readers Circle
Canadian author Heather Greenis joins us in the Readers Circle on Friday, June 23. Please join us. A lucky commenter will win all four books in The Natasha Saga collection!


emaginette said...

What a lovely post and being Canadian I'm very proud of every inch of Canada. I've never been to PEI. The farthest I've traveled is around British Columbia and east to Alberta. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Susan Bernhardt said...

I have read Anne of Green Gables and the entire series. I was a big Anne (spelled with an fan and visited the House at Green Gables also in P.E.I. (actually twice) and also visited Lucy Montgomery's grave. I bought an Anne of Green Gables doll for a future granddaughter. Unfortunately I never gave the doll away. I still have it packed safely packed away. Our granddaughter Rosie died.

Someday I will reread the series. I still have the books. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna. We really enjoyed PEI with this stop, the red beaches, and the potato museum. Yearh, really a potato museum.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, I watched the Anne with an E series on Netflix. Quite an embellishment of the story, but the actors fit the book so well. I've only watched the first four far. I know so many friends who are Anne fans. So sorry to hear about the loss of your granddaughter. That doll has a very special meaning for you. Thank you for stopping by.

Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, what a wonderful trip. I remember your photos from the time and thinking how amazing it would be to visit. Anne of Green Gables was one of my favourite books as a child, and one of my daughters also read the entire series. I'd love to visit one day. Thanks so much for sharing!

Nan said...

I somehow missed reading that book in my youth. Your words and pictures make me want to go back and find out what I missed!

John Hilston said...

Happy Bithday, many returns of the day.
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Suzan Baker said...

The furnishing is attractive. A little heavy but yes very nice and retro.
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Patricia Carter said...

The place look sweet and homey even the pictures.
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Mark said...

We really enjoyed PEI with this stop, the red beaches, and the potato museum. Yearh, really a potato museum. Compare Manchester Airport parking

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