Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Celebrating Teachers Appreciation Week and Mother's Day This Week

Click here if you would like to listen to this week's blog post.

Hello and welcome to the J Q Rose blog!

This week in the U.S. we are celebrating special people in our lives as we observe Teacher Appreciation Week and Mother's Day. (Mother's Week would be appropriate too since it really would take more than one day to celebrate all the things moms do for us!!)

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week from JQ Rose.
Combining this post with Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week is right on for me in my situation because my mother was my second grade teacher! In our small elementary school in Central Illinois, our second and third grade classes were big enough to need an extra teacher, but not enough to make a full second classroom of students. So instead, the overflow of students was placed in one room made up of second AND third graders. Kind of like the days when there were one room schoolhouses with all grades in one open room. 

My mother was assigned the task of teaching both classes in her one classroom. Having Mom as my teacher was difficult for both of us. From my perspective, as her daughter, she was harder on me than on any other kids in the class. I didn't realize at the time she didn't want anyone to accuse her of showing any favoritism toward me.
A photo of my mom, my second grade teacher.
As trying for me to have her as a teacher, she faced issues in her grown-up world of combatting those who might think she just gave me A's because I was her daughter. To avoid that criticism, she had the other second grade teacher grade my papers and tests. 

When Mother's Day came around that spring, our class made art projects to surprise our mothers. Since my mother knew what the gift was going to be, I walked up to her and asked her, "Since I don't have a mother, can I make this project for my grandmother Maw?" She told me many years later, it tore her heart when I said I didn't have a mother, even though she realized in my 7-year-old mind, I meant I couldn't surprise her with the gift. We laughed about it realizing in our hearts how difficult that year had been for both of us.

This weekend we honor mothers and women who are important in our lives.

Wishing all you Moms 
and women who are special to a child, 
a very
Happy Mother's Day!

If you have a mom, grandma, aunt, or woman in your life, grab her and give her a big hug and kiss.

Are you a teacher? Thank you. Are you a Mom? Thank you.


Helena Fairfax said...

I love the link to listen to your post, JQ. What a great idea!
I feel for you having your mum as your teacher. My mother taught needlework at my school, and I always felt she was stricter with me than with the rest of the class.
Loved your post. Hope you enjoy a happy mothers' day!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, I'm glad you enjoyed the audio recording. It seems so many folks are listening to podcasts and audio books. Why not blog posts? I'll only record personal ones. Strict is the correct word to use to describe that year. I probably did the same thing to my daughter when I had her Girl Scout group. Do you celebrate Mothers Day in the UK this weekend? Have a great weekend!!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. This had to seem like an incredibly looooong year for you both. I was a cheer leading sponsor for one of the daughters and Girl Scout leader for the other. It's hard to walk that fine line. But you survived and turned out great. Hope you're having a great weekend.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha. Yes, we had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Thank you for stopping by.

blogs said...

There is so much in this article that I would never have thought of on my own. Your content gives readers things to think about in an interesting way. Thank you for your clear information. Mother's Day Events

Patricia Carter said...

Well, teachers do deserve it. They are doing one hell of a job.
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