Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Time for Gardening, Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening FREE

Vegetable Gardening Guide
Available at Amazon

Hello Readers and Gardeners! Welcome to the JQ Rose blog.

I especially included gardeners in my greeting because it's that time of year to get your hands dirty. If you're one who knows gardening or one who wants to try it out for the first time this year, you'll find our garden guide on vegetable gardening has valuable tips. (Yes, this is a non-fiction book, not a mystery!!)

If you would like a FREE e-copy, just ask and I'll send you one. I hope you'll find time to read and review it for us. For table of contents and reviews, click here on  Amazon.

Tomatoes grown in our garden

Grow your own vegetables! Mmmm good!! Garden in the ground, vertically, or in pots on your deck.
If you want to know more about gardening, send me an email at jqrose02 at gmail dot com and I'll gift you this gardening guide. Offer ends Friday at 10 pm ET. I promise, NO SPAM.


Nan P said...

No vegetable gardening for me any more, but I can vouch for the expertise of Gardener Ted!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Nan. He's trying hydroponic gardening this summer. He already has the system built and planted with lettuce!

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