Wednesday, December 7, 2016

IWSG Blog Hop Question of the Month, Dangerous Sanctuary Book Tour, Marsha R. West and the Seasoned Romance Authors

Pearl Harbor Day, December 7
On this date, December 7, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of  Pearl Harbor Day  
and pay tribute to those who gave their lives to defend our country.

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. What an exciting day because I have my author friend Marsha West and her Seasoned Romance Group as guests AND today is the monthly meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group(IWSG) blog hop! 

Internet Writers Support Group Blog Hop
First Wednesday of every month.
What is IWSG? Founder of the  Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month.  The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page.
IWSG Question for the Month

IWSG Question for December IWSG Blog Hop:  
In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there? Five years from now I will have completed my memoir about the first year my husband and I were in the floral business, re-released a novella, released another e-book in the Vegetable Gardening series, won an award for one (or two) of my books, and according to my 7-year-old granddaughter Aubrey, we will have co-authored a book. The only way to get there is to sit down and write every day. And that's my plan.

# # #

Dangerous Sanctuary Virtual Book Tour
First Stop is at Diane Burton's blog on Friday, December 9. Come join us!
Another cause for excitement today is announcing the kick-off of the Dangerous Sanctuary Book Tour. I'll be hopping around cyberspace visiting those generous authors/bloggers who are helping me get the word out about my latest release, Dangerous Sanctuary.  
Dangerous Sanctuary by J.Q. Rose
Pastor Christine Hobbs never imagined 
she would be caring for a flock that includes 
a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer.
Last month I shared my "insecurity" about offering a re-issue of the book, Coda to Murder. With your encouragement and advice,  I am delighted to say the book is now out and available at amazon in e-book and paperback. The re-release of this story is just as exciting as the original, but in a way, magnified ten times because now I can appreciate every minute of the event. Experience helps to calm fears and strengthen my belief this story is one that will be entertaining and inspiring to readers. 

If you read Coda to Murder previously, please leave a short review for Dangerous Sanctuary. Reviews do not stay with the re-release of the book. If you'd like to read a sample or download a copy, click here for the amazon link.

Thank you for your support last month on moving forward with this plan. Throwing big hugs to you!!
# # #

 Meet romantic suspense author Marsha R. West 
and the Seasoned Romance Authors.

Welcome, Marsha. Please tell us about your group and your exciting book sale.

I like stories with older characters. Do you?  Like 40s on up? I do, and that’s what I write. Like-minded authors have formed a Facebook group called Seasoned Romance and for 
Dec. 7, 8, & 9, you can find one of our books for 99 Cents
Meet the authors and find great reads. Please check out the link for Seasoned Romances here and stock up on some great books for little dough.

My book is the first in the Second Chances Series, SECOND ACT. 

Second Act by Marsha R. West
Romantic Suspense
Meet four women, now in middle age, 

who’ve been friends since they met at summer camp. 
Whether they realize it or not, they all need a second chance. 

Back of the Book:

When a member of the board of a non-profit arts agency in Fort Worth turns up dead, the homicide detective assigned to the case looks at everyone involved in the organization, including the Executive Director. 
Addison Jones Greer, divorced mother of two teens, is the Executive Director of Cowtown Theatre. When a board member is found in the costume room murdered, suspicion rests on everyone involved with the theatre, including Addie. She has angered some board members because she wants to fire the Artistic Director. Although she’s warned him several times, he continues to go over budget for productions.
Mike Riley, Fort Worth homicide detective, hates that he caught this case. His sister-in-law dragged him to a theatre fundraiser where he met Addison, the first woman he’s wanted to pursue a relationship with in a long time. Not about to happen now.
Addison hasn’t ventured into romance since she caught her now ex-husband in their bed with his secretary. As a result, she doesn’t do trust. How could she trust someone who seems determined to think she’s capable of murder? Or worse, thinks her kids might be involved.
SECOND ACT is Book 1 of the Second Chances Series. We meet four women, now in middle age, who’ve been friends since they met at summer camp. Whether they realize it or not, they all need a second chance.
I hope you’ll check out at least a few of the other authors. Let me know if you do and what you liked about these books.
There’s a FB Hop going on for the 3 days, too, and here’s the link.
Seasoned Romance  Facebook Hop Link  
If you haven’t already liked Marsha's FB author page, click here to do so now.
 A big thank you to JQ Rose for hosting me and the Seasoned Romance authors.  
You're welcome, Marsha. I love this Second Chance series. 
I checked your Seasoned Romance site. Lots of books and authors there. Best wishes!
Dear Reader, please leave a comment below. Have you done a virtual book tour? Any advice for me? Have you hosted a VBT author? Are you a romance reader?


Pat Garcia said...

I love stories with older characters and all of my characters are older and seasoned into life. Congratulations on relaunching your book. I didn't read the first release but I will definitely read the second release since it is in ebook format.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Pat. I agree. I enjoy seasoned characters in stories too. I prefer e-books nowadays too because this seasoned reader likes to pick out an easy to read font! Thanks for stopping in.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Thanks so much for having me and the seasoned romance authors here today. Hope many of your readers will check out the great buys.
Love that you've re-released Coda To Murder and with such a better name.:)
I've done one other thing with other writers. My Sisterhood of Suspense group put together a compilation of first chapters. It was either 99 cents or maybe even free. e-format so not much cost on our end except for some banners.
I've done FB parties, but they just make me nuts. I opted out of the Seasoned Romance one over the 3-days. I admire those who are more tech savvy than I. :) Thanks again for spotlighting our Seasoned Romance group.

emaginette said...

Excellent plan. It looks a lot like mine. hehehe

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome Marsha. Happy to share the event.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna, yes, afraid the best plan for our writing careers in the next five years is to WRITE! Thanks for stopping in.

Marsha said...

Great minds, Anna. And yes, JQ, the most important thing is to write the next book. :)

Juneta key said...

Sounds like a great plan. I'm looking forward to reading your question for my Author Spotlight on Dec 20th. Wishing you much success with new book. Congrats to Marsha on her release.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Diane Burton said...

Great goal and attainable by doing what you said--writing each day. Best wishes. See you tomorrow. ;)

Older characters have more, uh, character. They're more complex, have more baggage. Love them. Best wishes.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats and good luck on your tour.

It looks like you will be writing a book with your granddaughter no matter what.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Juneta, looking forward to visiting you on your blog! Thanks for hosting me.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, I appreciate reading about the stories of second chance and "seasoned" characters too. Thanks for hosting me today (Friday) on your blog!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, thank you for your good wishes. Really looking forward to "co-authoring" a book with Aubrey. Got to get these kids excited about writing for the future of storytelling.

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