Wednesday, September 21, 2016

International Day of Peace, Author Diane Burton's SFR Mission to New Earth

Peaceful view--Florida Gulf of Mexico
Photo by J.Q. Rose

September 21 is International Day of Peace

declared by the United Nations Resolutions.

"Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples." --United Nations 

We can all work toward peace within our families, neighborhoods, communities, regions, countries. Wishing you peace within your heart.
Fellow author and Michigander, Diane Burton, is my guest today. Well, actually her character, Sara Grenard is here. She is the main character and narrator of Diane Burton’s new science fiction romance novella, Mission to New Earth. Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway found at the bottom of the page to win a $10. Amazon gift card. 
Mission to New Earth by Diane Burton
Earth is dying. They were chosen for a MISSION TO NEW EARTH
Hello, Sara. Thank you for visiting today, Please introduce yourself.
My name is Sara Grenard. I’m commander of the mission to Serenity. That’s the name my team gave to the Goldilocks planet that might be just right for humans. We’ll explore, build a settlement, and start families.
Tell us about your family?
I don’t have one. A few distant cousins, I guess. I have no sibs, and my parents were killed in an auto accident 10 years ago. That made it easier to leave everything behind to go on a one-way trip to a new planet. Although I have no blood family, my team is my family. The six of us have bonded better than relatives.
Are you athletic?
You bet. I can’t sit still. That’s why teaching wasn’t my best choice of occupations.
Why didn’t you continue teaching?
A student who was much bigger attacked me. My principal didn’t support me, so I filed a police report. That didn’t go over well. I figured it was a losing battle. When I saw that the United Earth Space Agency was looking for volunteers to go on a one-way trip to new planets, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. To be a pioneer.
What’s your favorite sport?
To watch? Baseball. I know, seems contradictory with me not being able to sit still. But Dad liked to watch the Detroit Tigers on TV, and I loved that time with him. As far as participating, I love surfing and swimming. Running and taekwondo. The latter I learned so I could defend myself. No one will ever attack me again and get away with it.
What’s the best part of being an astronaut?
The challenge. Our training has been demanding. Mentally, physically, emotionally. We’re going to make sure humankind has a safe place if an evacuation is necessary. From all the crises on Earth, that may be necessary sooner than we think.

Here are the deets about Diane Burton’s Mission to New Earth.
Genre: science fiction romance
Release date: August 31, 2016
Length: 88 pages (25k words)

Back of the Book: Mission to New Earth
Would you go on a one-way trip to explore a new planet? Would you do it to save humankind?

Earth’s overpopulation and dwindling resources force the United Earth Space Agency to expedite exploration of new planets for a possible new home. When new crises ensue—a giant tsunami and the threat of nuclear winter—the timeline changes. Eight years of training crammed into four. Sara Grenard and her team prepare for launch, but are they ready for the one-way trip? Will the Goldilocks planet prove just right for Earth’s inhabitants? Before time runs out.


From the pictures sent back by the probe of the Earth-like planet we named Serenity, our new home would look as natural as Earth itself. I wanted so badly to believe the reports that the surface would have breathable air, that we would be able to walk outside without our enviro suits, that we could live there as we lived on Earth. After two years in an enclosed environment, I was going a little stir-crazy. More than a little. Being an outdoor girl, cabin fever had hit me a lot sooner than the others. Rather, I used to be an outdoor girl.
So how did a California beach girl like me end up on Saturn’s moon, preparing to make history? It was a long story, best reserved for a starlit night in front of a campfire overlooking the dark waters of the sea, and accompanied by a cool glass of wine. With Marsh, of course. Even he didn’t know my whole story. Just like I didn’t know his.
The short version: I volunteered. Slightly longer version: my parents died in a car accident; teaching bratty kids sucked, especially when a kid eight inches taller and a hundred pounds heavier attacked me, and the principal didn’t support me. Believe me, I was ready for a change.
And what a change.
I never imagined I’d be selected. Not when over fifty thousand applied within ten hours. Or so I heard. Out of five hundred thousand applicants, the eighteen of us became the chosen teams. Oh, not as easy as that. The tests they put us through—physical, psychological, intellectual—still boggled my mind.
And I used to think teaching high school kids with more money than smarts was a challenge. Nothing prepared me for the adventure of a lifetime.
Being a pioneer.

About the Author:
Diane Burton combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction and romance into writing romantic fiction. Besides the science fiction romance
Author Diane Burton
and Outer Rim series, she is the author of One Red Shoe, a romantic suspense, and the Alex O’Hara PI mystery series. She is also a contributor to two anthologies: Portals, Volume 2 and How I Met My Husband. Diane and her husband live in West Michigan. They have two children and three grandchildren.
For more info and excerpts from her books, visit Diane’s website:
Goodreads: Diane Burton Author
Amazon author page:
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at the Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY! 

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Diane Burton said...

Thanks for having me (and Sara) here today.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, happy to have you here. I liked learning more about your novella. Sounds like an intriguing story.

Diane Garner said...

Great interview. Your story sounds very intriguing. Best of luck with it!

Diane Burton said...

Thanks, Diane. I appreciate you stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane Garner! I agree the story sounds great. Thank you for visiting.

Unknown said...

I couldn't go to another planet unless my family was coming with me or something.

Diane Burton said...

Eisah, I agree. If I had no family left, like Sara, I would go. Otherwise, I'd be like you and take them with me. Thanks for stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Eisah, Sara must be a brave woman to take this journey to a new life. Perhaps curious too. Thanks so much for taking time to leave a comment.

J.Q. Rose said...

Diane, I almost forgot to tell you, my daughter's name is Sara and spelled just like your character's name. My mother wanted me to add the h--Sarah--but I told her "that was an old-fashioned spelling. I want Sara to be modern girl." I had no idea a girl named Sara could be a space pioneer!

Diane Burton said...

That is so neat, J.Q. Her name just seemed "right" to me, spelled that way. Yep, she was brave. This was an adventure. What did she have to lose?

Thanks again for welcoming me so graciously to your blog.

emaginette said...

Good Luck, Diane. The book looks great. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Diane Burton said...

Thanks, Anna.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna!

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