Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Encouragement and Help for Writers, FREE e-Books on Writing

Tips on writing from experienced talented authors
Do you remember when you started your first job? How excited you were? How you wanted to soak up everything you could about it so you could do your job better?

Do you remember when you learned to play an instrument, stepped on the stage in your first class production, learned to swim (or not), cooked your first meal, and all the other firsts in your life?

And do you remember all the things you did not know about that first experience? All the questions you had to ask from someone with experience?

Do you remember writing your first poem or story? How thrilling it was to put it down on the paper and share it with someone? Do you still feel like that when you are working on a writing project?

Somewhere along the line, we learn about the job or the instrument or baking a cake. Then we study and experiment so we can get better. Sometimes learning a little bit makes us realize we'll never be perfect at it because there's so much to know, so we get discouraged.

In writing and publishing, the project can become overwhelming, so we quit.

Don't Quit!
Many authors online or in your community are willing to help you. I was surprised at how generous writers can be and how much we want each other to succeed. That's what kept me writing. Not only because I want to write, but because there's such a wonderful world of helpful writers who will encourage you, teach you, understand your feeings, make you smile.

The Insecure Writer's Support Group
I belong to a wonderful group of writers who want to help. 


"The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support." 

Our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh began the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop held the first Wednesday of every month. (If you type in IWSG in the search box at the bottom of the sidebar, you can bring up the posts I have shared with the group and get connected.)
Compilation of helpful writing tips by members.
Click here to learn more about this e-book.
IWSG has grown so much there are 100's of writers participating in the blog hop. A website is now available with all kinds of writing tips and information. IWSG members contributed writing tips for the FREE e-book,
The Insecure Writers Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond.

Find out more about the IWSG at these following links:
IWSG Website
IWSG Newsletter
Join the IWSG Blog Hop
IWSG Critique Circle Facebook Page
IWSG Facebook Page
# # # 
Guest authors on the J.Q. Rose blog shared writing tips on the writing process, publishing and marketing. It was my privilege to share the tips they posted here plus many more in an e-book, 
Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing eBook Available Now
FREE September 14-16. 

Grab the IWSG tips book and the Romance and Mystery authors tip book so you can learn more about this crazy writing and publishing industry. Please leave a review so we can spread the word about these valuable resources for writers.

Where do you go for help with your writing? Do you have a blog, a book, an online class, a mentor, a writer's group? Please let us know in the comment section below. Your tip may encourage and enlighten another writer. Thank you.


Juneta key said...

What a great post J Q. I love writing craft books. Thanks for giving us the link.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome, Juneta. I've never heard the term craft books, but I like it. Thank you for stopping in.

Marsha said...

Glad I stopped by, Janet. Thought Our book was free through yesterday. Guess I got lost in the calendar. I'll put a note on FB and Twitter.
I just noticed you have a Pinterest square on your blog. How did you set that up? Thanks. Marsha

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha, Glad you stopped in. Thanks so much for sharing about the free ebook on FB and Twitter and for your contribution to the book. I hope readers will pick it up and find gems they can use for their writing. I put that Pinterest icon on my blog a long time ago. I think I found it right on Pinterest. Of course, since then, things may have changed.

emaginette said...

I love your attitude. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you Anna!!

IWSG Blog Hop: Who Would I Like to Be Today? #IWSGbloghop

  Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop #IWSGbloghop What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group? Founded by author   Alex J. Cavanaug...

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