Friday, June 17, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, Dad.
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos,.net
by debspoons
Wishing all the Dads and folks who are father figures to children, 

Happy Father's Day!!

Father's Day always brings back memories of my dad, a tall thin gentleman in every way. We were alike in temperament. Not an extrovert, but comfortable with people. He loved everyone and could be friends with everyone no matter if they had no education or if they were a professor. 
My Dad

Dad taught me to love music. He could play the piano sitting backwards under the keyboard and still bang out a tune. In fact, just hum the melody of a song to him and he could play it. He never read music. Piano was a natural talent. I learned to play the piano because of him.

Because I was the youngest of three, and the only girl in the family, I may have been a bit spoiled. (Just ask my two older brothers!) We had a special relationship like most fathers and daughters do. We were a team. 

How about you? Do you have a dad or father figure in your life who always had your back? Please take time to share something you loved about your dad. Thanks.

If you'd like to know more about my dad, please visit the 2015 Father's Day post here.


Marsha said...

This is a lovely tribute, JQ. My father was very gregarious and never met a stranger. As an adult, I've learned that all my cousins adored him. Nice. I've shared.

Nan P said...

I love the photo of your dad. I can visualize little JQ by his side.

My dad also doted on me, the little "surprise" who came along when my only sibling was already 14. My dad was an MD, and I remember him taking me along when he made house calls and even sometimes to the ER, if the case wasn't too gory. I seem to recall "helping" him sew up lacerations, but I'm sure all I did was cut the suture. Still, I doubt that would happen these days -- I'm sure hospitals are too worried about lawsuits to allow a five year old to assist in the ER. Later, I worked for my dad as his medical assistant (unofficial nurse). He tried to teach me to give injections, and he let me practice on him. After several botched attempts to get the needle in, he very kindly said, "I believe I'll just keep doing the injections myself and find something else for you to do."

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Marsha. And thanks for sharing about your dad. I appreciate you taking time to share this on social media too.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Nan, I can see you as a 5 year old at the hospital. I bet you tagging along with him brought smiles to those sick people and seeing you made them feel better. Good medicine. How diplomatic of your dad to say he'd find "something else" for you to do. So kind of him. Thanks for sharing this story about your father.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Great post about your father, J.Q.

My father was hardworking, humble, selfless, loving, and a real gentleman. He was kind, had a positive attitude and a great sense of humor and loved his family more than anything. He raised seven children with my mother.

He had a green thumb like his mother and had huge beautiful garden, flowers and vegetable. He would plant his vegetable garden around June 1st. My mother would can and stored many kinds of different vegetables and fruits that we would consume throughout the winter.

He restored a Model T and would take family, friends, and neighbors for rides to the lake, out in the country in it.

He was a wonderful man and human being. He would do anything for anyone.

J.Q. Rose said...

What wonderful memories you have of your dad. He and my DH would get along well in the garden! Thanks for sharing about your dad, Susan.

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