Thursday, March 10, 2016

Romance Readers Want to Know: Author Shirley Martin, Giveaway

Romance Readers Want to Know
Every Thursday on the J.Q. Rose Blog

Hello and welcome to another posting in the Romance Readers Want to Know event! So glad you joined us today. I'm happy to have a fellow Books We Love author today, Shirley Martin.She is an author with a "vivid imagination" and has penned stories in many genres. Today a lucky commenter will win a PDF copy of her romantic fantasy, Magic Mountain. Deadline to enter the drawing is Sunday, 9:00 PM, EDST. (Yes, time change on Sunday to Daylight Savings Time.)

If you have a question for Shirley, please ask in the comment box below. Now let's see what her readers want to know.

Romance Readers Want to Know by Shirley Martin

1. The question I’m most frequently asked, is where do you get your ideas. My answer?  From everywhere!  With my two historical romances, Destined to Love and Forbidden Love I got my ideas from actual historical events.  For Destined to Love I was reading a history of my hometown, Pittsburgh, and read of the early colonial days when many people were captured by the Indians.  So I got the idea for my heroine, a young woman captured by the Indians. Forbidden Love centers around a steel strike in Pittsburgh in 1892.  My heroine is a wealthy society lady–married!–who falls in love with a steelworker from the wrong side of the tracks. This romance is in print now and available from Amazon.
I love writing fantasy and paranormal, where you can let your mind run free.  My Avador series of fantasy romances begins with Night Secrets.  There are five books in this series.
2. Another question I’m often asked, What advice would you give an aspiring writer? One piece of advice is, be willing to take advice.  I once belonged to a local critique group that had two writers who refused to take advice.  Neither of them got published, and they are both deceased now.  And if you want to be a writer, then write. Set a certain time every day for writing, and stick to that schedule, barring illness or an emergency.  Know grammar and punctuation rules and watch your spelling.  Read everything you can get your hands on–newspapers, magazines, fiction and non-fiction books.  Be an authority on the subject you’re writing on.
3. One further question I’m often asked–What is your next project?  My last project was a fantasy romance, Magic Mountain. I’m starting on a sequel titled The Door to Forever.  I’m very excited about this fantasy romance. Part of it will take place in the contemporary world, and part of it will be in an elven country. 
And speaking of Magic Mountain, here’s part of the blurb.

Magic Mountain by Shirley Martin
Fantasy and Romance
Gold!  Legend tells of a fortune in gold, hidden in a mountain in a land far away. Princess Olwen must find the gold because a neighboring warlike country has held her brother hostage for years and demands a vast amount to free him.  Olwen’s father doesn’t believe the legend about the treasure and refuses to send anyone to find it.  So Olwen sets out on her own, without her father’s permission, to find the treasure. Along the way, she finds magic and danger, but also romance.

Also available at all major online booksellers.
# # # #
Thank you, Shirley!
As a prize, Shirley is generously giving away a PDF copy of this fantasy romance. Leave a comment below and you may be the lucky winner in the drawing! Do you have a question for Shirley about her writing? Now's the time to ask.

About Shirley:
Shirley Martin
Author Shirley Martin
Born in western Pennsylvania, Shirley Martin graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. She taught school for one year, then obtained a position as flight attendant with Eastern Air Lines. Based in Miami, she met her future husband there. After raising three sons, she devoted her time to writing, something she'd always wanted to do.

With a vivid imagination and a love of storytelling, Shirley has always enjoyed writing. Her first published novel, "Destined to Love" reflects her familiarity with western Pennsylvania and her love of romance writing. From this historical romance, she blossomed out to other romance genres. "One More Tomorrow" is a vampire romance, one her publisher dubbed "a sizzling seller." With several fantasy novels and novellas, her writing should appeal to just about every lover of romance. Her books have been sold at Amazon and most major bookstores and have garnered great reviews.

A widow, Shirley lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her two cats.

Connect online with Shirley


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Shirley, Thank you for being my guest today. Looking forward to your visit. I hope folks will take time to ask you about your writing process.

Ann Herrick said...

Very interesting interview. I've read some of Shirley's books and really enjoyed them. She creates amazing fantasy worlds.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for stopping by Ann. Shirley certainly has an imagination.

Anonymous said...

Good to meet you, Shirley. I love the sound of your historical writing. I live quite near Sheffield in the north of England, which is also famous for its steel. I agree with your advice to writers to sit donw and write. Wishing you much success with your next project!

Betty Ann Harris said...

It's been a pleasure getting to know Shirley Martin, and after reading this interview, I feel I know her even more. Very interesting!

Juliet Waldron said...

Hi, ladies--lovely interview and it's always good to know a bit more about the prolific Shirley Martin!

Thanks for sharing

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, I agree. Sitting down to actually get the words on the paper is the most difficult part of being a writer! That doesn't seem right, but it's true. Thank you for popping in!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hello Betty Ann, I enjoy sponsoring these events because I meet so many wonderful authors and learn more about them. Thank you for leaving a comment.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hello Juliet, Prolific and imaginative are words that describe Shirley. Thank you for stopping in.

Sydell Voeller said...

Shirley, I always enjoy learning more about you and what inspires you to write your excellent books.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

The cover is beautiful. She draws you in with those eyes.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Sydell, Thanks so much for visiting.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene. I agree that book cover is eye-catching. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment, Joylene.

J.Q. Rose said...

Ta-dah!! Announcing the winner of the drawing for Shirley's Magic Mountain. Drum roll----Helena Fairfax! Congrats, Helena!!

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