Monday, February 15, 2016

Presidents' Day, Campaign for President, Killing Lincoln

Mt. Rushmore photo courtesy of samandale
Can you name all four presidents who are chiseled in stone in this monument?

Hello and welcome!
In the US, today is Presidents' Day to honor our presidents. Originally the holiday was Washington's birthday, February 22, then combined with Lincoln's birthday to become Presidents' Day.

Here’s a fun fact from USA Today: Even though William Henry Harrison and Ronald Reagan were born in February, too, Presidents' Day never actually lands on a president's birthday (all of their actual birth dates are too early or too late), according to the History Channel.

We are in a history making presidential campaign this year. Gazillion-aire Donald Trump and his all out, no holds barred method of campaigning is resonating with some Republican voters. Mild-mannered governor of Ohio, John Kasich, is trying to be the nice guy and stay out of the brawl among Cruz, Rubio, and Trump.

I was rooting for former Hewlett-Packett CEO Carly Fiorina before she finally had to give up the campaign. She wasn't my favorite because she is a woman. She has the credentials, the real experience of leading a huge corporation (and afterall the president of the USA has to be a smart leader and business person), but she didn't have enough backers to pull her through to the finish. 

Running a campaign for president is one hurdle after another. Fighting the big dogs can wear you down. You have to keep in mind the reason for even wanting to be president because with all the name-calling, lies, and media hopping, it would be easy to say forget it. Trying to please everyone is an impossible task. 

One of my favorite quotes from my personal favorite president, Abraham Lincoln,  is:

My question to each candidate is why. Why do you want to be President of the United States? And don't give me some canned promises. I want to hear you say it straight from your heart.
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I grew up in the Land of Lincoln, Central Illinois, along famous Route 66. I've admired Honest Abe since I was a school girl. If you want to read a book to find out more about him and his time, I recommend  Killing Lincoln. Eye-opening information for me. Take a peek at it, download a sample, and/or purchase by clicking the book cover below. Thank you.

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