Monday, February 8, 2016

Books We Love 99 Cent Sale, Tiny Tidbits for Writing and Living, This Week

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. 

February 99 Cent Sale
from Books We Love

Books We Love February 99 Cent Sale

A Valentine Deal for You:

Books We Love, my publisher, is spreading some Valentine Love to readers this month by offering my mystery, Deadly Undertaking, for 99 cents!   In fact BWL has quite an assortment of great reads for 99 cents this month. I hope you'll have a chance to hop over there and grab a few for you and your valentine!

My stories always have a bit of me and my world view in them. After reading Deadly Undertaking, I'm sure you'll know how I feel about legalizing marijuana and my concern about the epidemic of Alzheimer's disease grabbing our world  Entertainment is always a key in my books,  so there are quirky characters and humorous moments in my stories. I hope you get a giggle from your reading.

Don't you love the book cover by Michelle Lee? Lauren Staab is inviting you to enter her world of romance, mystery, and paranormal elements. Happy reading!

Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose
Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose

My latest  mystery, Deadly Undertaking, was a lifetime in the making. My main character is Lauren Staab who is the daughter of a funeral director. I'm the daughter of a funeral director too, so many of the elements in the story are taken from my life experience. But, let me clarify. The story is fiction, so you can bet not all of the mess Lauren gets into is actually from my real life.

I mean we never actually found a murdered man in the garage of the funeral home. I never had a boyfriend who treated me like Chip DeYoung treated Lauren. I never actually took love advice from a shadow man. Hmm, now that I think of it, I guess there’s not much about my real life in there except I did dust the caskets in the casket room and set up flowers for visitations and funeral services.

When you read the story, you’ll have to decide if what I’m telling is from my experience or just made up for your entertainment.

Back of the Book:
Lauren Staab knew there would be dead bodies around when she returned home. After all, her family is in the funeral business, Staab and Blood Funeral Home. Still, finding an extra body on the floor of the garage between the hearse and the flower car shocked her. Lauren’s plan to return to her hometown to help care for her mother and keep the books for the funeral home suddenly turns upside down in a struggle to prove she and her family are not guilty of murdering the man. But will the real killer return for her, her dad, her brother? Her mother’s secrets, a killer, a handsome policeman, and a shadow man muddle up her intention to have a simple life. Welcome home, Lauren!

To download a sample or purchase, click on the links or book cover below. Thank you.

Barnes and Noble

This Week:
Romance Readers Want to Know Thursdays on the J.Q. Rose blog
February 11--Author Kris Bock answers questions readers want to know about her writing process.
Please join un and enter to win the drawing! Thanks.

Tiny Tidbits for Writing and Living:
  • HTML Code for a link Have you noticed how signatures in forums and emails have the pristeen name of their site links instead of an ugly string of letters and numbers as a link? Here's the secret to how you get that on your signature--a bit of html code. Thanks to the University of Southern Florida for providing this information.

Fill in the information with your website URL and then the actual title of the site

<a href=“http://Internet URL goes here.”>Title the visitor sees.</a>

Code example:  <a href=“”>Contact Us</a>

Comes out as Contact Us
Writers Chatroom

  • Writers Chatroom If you're a writer and looking for a great chat room filled with new writers and experienced writers, you would enjoy visiting the Writers Chatroom on Wednesday nights from 8 PM -10 PM. The first hour is a topic driven chat and the second hour is free chat. On Sunday nights, 7 PM - 9PM, Audrey Shaffer interviews a guest author in a moderated chat. Participants are allowed to ask questions and interact with the guest. Last night, I am thrilled to say I won the door prize graciously provided by author Sheila Lowe, Poison Pen. I can't wait to read this mystery/suspense novel, Book One in the series, Forensic Handwriting Mystery.
  • Read a Book in the Bathtub Day--February 9

Click the book cover below to find out more about the book, download a sample, and/or purchase.

Thanks for visiting. Do you read in the bathtub???


emaginette said...

Looks like a great read. Thanks for the links. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Anna.

Crystal Collier said...

Ooh! How exciting. I don't bathtub read, but I do binge read. Does that count? ;)

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