Monday, November 16, 2015

Prayers for the People of Paris

Prayers for the People of Paris
My heart is heavy with grief and sadness today. I can't wrap my mind around the devastation and senseless killing that occurred over the weekend. I can't promote books, write snappy essays, or expound about my week ahead. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Paris and France and the future condition of our world.

I am a praying woman and I pray for peace and comfort for the people of Paris and France, wisdom and strength for the world leaders, softened hearts and the absence of rage for soldiers of ISIS, and love and peace for all. 

Prayer is powerful. 

Thank you for stopping by today. Please say a prayer or take to hold these people in your hearts.


Helena Fairfax said...

Thank you for your post, JQ. It's good to know there are good people in the world. I've been saddened and distressed by these senseless deaths.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. It is impossible for me to imagine anyone wanting to slaughter innocent persons. Sounds like it's revenge for all the troubles and death these radical Islamists blame the West for. I don't know how it will ever stop. It will take a strong leader to turn the people around and change their thinking.

emaginette said...

Their president sure kicked butt. I had to admire the way they handled the attack.

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