Friday, October 16, 2015

Need Suggestions for a Really Scary Book or Movie?, Horror eBook Giveaway

Do these ghosts scare you??? hee hee
Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog.

This week my friend, Emaginette, asked "Where has all the horror gone?" She loves being scared and recalls some of her favorite scary movies and books. Emaginette shares on her blog her disappointment with the new batch of "monsters" e.g. the "alpha wolves and pretty, even sexy, vampires". Can you recommend some great scary books or movies for her?

I can't suggest any for her since I stay away from the horror genre. I was scared out of my wits when I was about six years old. My mother didn't do her homework when my older brothers asked if they could go to the movie starring the Three Stooges. Anybody remember those crazy guys and their slap-stick comedy? 
The Three Stooges
Photo from Monster Kid Online Magazine #5

To Monster Kids it was always a special treat when the creatures they loved occasionally crossed paths with their favorite funnymen. ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN with Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Jr. and Glenn Strange in their famous monster roles was the ultimate crossover of horror and comedy and will probably never be topped.  from Monster Kid Online Magazine #5   

Mom told the boys they could go, and since I whined and stomped my foot, she allowed me to go with them. I know they didn't appreciate me tagging along, but they really, really wanted to see the movie, so we took off. 

I had no idea Frankenstein would show up in a movie which included that zany, wise-cracking trio. Needless to say, I spent the entire movie under the theater seat on the sticky floor, along with the gum wads on the underside of the seat. No, my brothers wouldn't take me home. They didn't want to miss out on a great movie!

That was the end of my horror movie experience until...

In the eighth grade, Donald asked me to see a movie at the local theater, the Palace, exactly where I had suffered through the three stooges catastrophe. Of course, I wanted to go with Donald. All my friends and their boyfriends went every Friday night. Each couple lined up behind the other along the wall of the theater. I don't remember asking what the movie was, but I was in for a shock again when I discovered it was a horror movie about a huge monster taking over the city. Well, the monster wasn't too real looking, mostly like a big stiff puppet put together with screws and rubber bands. Computer enhancement of monsters was a long way off in the '60's.

I wasn't frightened by the monster, but scared to death when Donald leaned across the arm of the theater seat to give me a kiss on the lips. I turned toward him, ready to experience my first real kiss, just as the monster disappeared into the ocean. The credits began to roll and the lights were coming up in the theater. All I could think of was everyone was going to see us kissing and the word would spread in my small town and my parents would find out. Oh, noooooooo. 

I don't remember what happened after that, if my mom found out I'd been kissed, or not. I do know my first kiss was a memorable one, but for the wrong reason. Instead of the thrill of a first kiss, I was scared to death the whole world would know. 

Do you like reading horror stories or watching horror movies? Can you help out my friend, Emaginette, and share some recent horror books or movies you have enjoyed? 
# # #
You can imagine my consternation when my first published book was published in the horror genre! MuseItUp Publishing accepted what I thought was a quirky mystery with a few suspenseful moments. I do remember writing the story during the day because if I wrote before bedtime, I was too afraid to go to sleep. 

The reviews for the book confirmed readers thought it was scary too.
~~"The novella contains a good amount of snarky but good-natured humor in addition to the mystery and body horror. It was a fast, fun, easy read. It reminded me of one other book I read before in the same horror subgenre, but alas, to name what that subgenre is would spoil the mystery. Best to just read it for yourself, if you're any kind of a comedy/mystery/horror fan." ~~ by reviewer Erin O'Riordan

Since it'is the Halloween season, and for those who enjoy being scared out of their wits, I will be giving away an e-copy of Sunshine Boulevard. Easy entry--leave a comment and you're in! Deadline to enter is Sunday, October 25 at 9:00 pm EDT.
Sunshine Boulevard
Mysterious deaths upset the Florida retirement community 
interfering with their seasonal activities and turning up more than dead bodies

Back of the Book: Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
Who or what is killing the seniors on Sunshine Boulevard?  Follow Jim and Gloria Hart, snowbirds who annually migrate to Florida for warm sunshine, fun, and games in snow-free winters. However this season, Jim Hart, a volunteer First Responder in his retirement community of Citrus Ridge, is drawn into the investigation of the mysterious deaths. Even in the midst of the unfortunate demise of the residents on Sunshine Boulevard, the Harts try to enjoy the winter with friends. They don't realize that their friends are getting together for their own kinds of affairs with each other. The neighbors are in a dither over the deaths, but perhaps more intrigued by the gossip about the affairs and why the naked lady was found lying in the geranium bed.

For those of you who can't wait to see if you win the book, here are the buy links.

The e-book is available at all major online booksellers.

Buy Links:


Or click below to read Sunshine Boulevard now on your Kindle or Kindle app. Thank you!



Marsha said...

I've read Sunshine Blvd, JQ, and enjoyed it. It's soo not a horror book. Good grief. What were these people thinking?

Sadly, I too was psychologically injured by a too early visit to a horror movie. One of the times, I whined and my mom gave in. It was The Thing. The visual is seared in my brain.

Because of that, I steer clear of horor books and flicks and have no suggestions for Emaginette. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

A fellow traumatized horror avoider. Glad to know it wasn't just me who feels that way about horror. Glad you liked Sunshine. I thought it was more of a fun book to read, and didn't really want it pegged as horror. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.

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