Thursday, October 29, 2015

Meet Roseanne Dowell's Character. Beatrice Lulu

Wishing you a safe and fun Halloween!!
Hello and welcome. My pal, author Roseanne Dowell, couldn't make it to the J.Q. Rose blog today, I think she's finishing up her witch costume for Halloween. However her main character graciously agreed to visit with us. (Of course Beatrice Lulu always wants to be in the middle of everything, so I understand why she's here.)

Roseanne and I are swapping blogs today, so when you finish here, please click on over to Roseanne's blog and meet my character, Lauren Staab from my new mystery, Deadly Undertaking.

Welcome Beatrice Lulu! Please introduce yourself to our readers.
* * *
Why, thank you, J.Q.

I’m Beatrice Lulu Eberhardt. Some of you know me from my niece, Callie Johnson. Callie’s the police chief of our little town, and I first appeared in her book, All in the Family.
Callie’s my favorite niece, but she doesn’t know it. I’ve annoyed her sometimes because I tried to fix her up with a nice young man, well several nice young men, over the years. I didn’t want her ending up an old maid like I almost was. I say almost, because Ed came along and saved me that fate – I shudder to think what my life would have been like without him.
All's Well That Ends Well
Cozy mystery
Callie didn’t care for any of the men I introduced her to. Picky little thing in my opinion. Praise God, she finally met a nice young man on her own.
But that’s neither here nor there. This story isn’t about Callie. It’s about me. That’s right, ME, and pretty much no one else. I consider myself a bit of a sleuth. Some call me nosy or a busy body, but honestly, I’m only trying to help. I don’t mean to interfere. I can’t help if I have a curious nature. I’ve always been that way, but got worse as I got older.
It actually all started when Ed and I bought a cabin. It’s a beautiful place with its own lake because Ed loves to fish. We thought it would be fun to have a place just for us, away from everyone. You may not remember I’m from a large, crazy family. Crazy in a fun-loving way, of course. So Ed and I wanted a place to relax away from it all, not that it’s turned out that way. We’re seldom alone. Guess it’s because we genuinely like people. So now days when we go up there, someone always comes along. Usually Ethel and her husband, Greg. Ethel’s my sister, by the way. I have two other sisters, also – Charlotte, we call her Lottie, and Lillian. Lillian is Callie’s mother, and not as much fun as the rest of us. We also have a brother, Clyde, but we don’t see him as often.
Anyway, we bought the cabin, and Ed and I went up there to clean it up. No one had been in it for years. Cobwebs filled more than the corners, I’ll tell you that. It was going to take days, if not weeks, to clean it. But Ed promised we could fix it up and Ed never breaks a promise. That’s one of the things I love about him.
So there we were looking around, figuring out what to do, and Ed decided to build a fire to take the chill and damp out of the air. The place smelled musty, the way empty houses smell after being locked up for a long time.
Well there I was, thinking about where to start when I heard a strange clattering noise. I thought Ed fell or something. I turned around and lying on the fireplace hearth was an arm – well what was left of the arm, bones and tattered flannel from a shirt, I assume. Although I’ve been told never to assume anything.
If you want to know what happens next you’ll have to read about it in All’s Well That Ends Well just released from Books We Love.

All in the Family
Romantic comedy/Mystery

If you haven’t read All in the Family – Book 1 of the Family Affair series, you can find it and all of Roseanne's books at Books We Love
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She is an avid reader. Roseanne writes various types of romance - paranormal, contemporary, and mystery. She has several books available at Amazon as well as over 40 articles and short stories published in magazines such as Good Old Days, Nostalgia, and Ohio Writer as well as several online publications. Besides teaching writing courses for Long Story School of Writingshe also taught two writing courses for the Encore Program at Cuyahoga Community College.

Author Roseanne Dowell
Roseanne lives in Northeast Ohio where she enjoys life as a wife, mother of six, grandmother of fourteen and great grandmother of two.  When she’s not writing or enjoying her family, Roseanne spends her time with embroidery and quilting, especially combining the two. She also enjoys blogging, tweeting, facebooking and posting on various writers groups. 

Visit Roseanne Dowell at 
her author website  
her blog 


Roseanne Dowell said...

Thanks for letting me be part of your blog. I enjoy doing these exchanges and meeting Lauren.

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome. Glad you're here! I enjoyed Beatrice Lulu. She's always curious. Is that a nicer word for busy-body?

Marsha said...

What a fun post! Beatrice is a hoot and sounds like a fun person to know. I'll share. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh yes, Marsha. She is a hoot and Roseanne writes her so well, you get to know her and how she'll react to the crazy situations she gets herself in. Thanks for sharing!

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