Thursday, September 17, 2015

Our Fall Garden, Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening

The last gladiola of the season...sigh
Cleaning out the garden. That time of year to put it to bed, but not completely, yet.
Take a peek at our September, fall garden.

You can see the squash on the left side on the fence, some cabbage and broccoli, and tomatoes on the right side of the photo. Gardener Ted uses vertical gardening to make more space--like he needs it!! hee hee

Gardener Ted is watering lettuce and cereal rye for ground cover for the winter.

Tomatoes and green peppers are loving this weather. Delicious.

Our fall lettuce crop is finally getting to the edible size.

Squash on the fence.

Rye he seeded about 5 weeks ago.

Do you know what plant this is?
Kind of a melancholy time when the garden plants are pulled up and the space is emptied out. But, the one idea I remember is, there's a fresh start next spring. And gardeners are the most hopeful and optimistic people on earth convinced next year, the garden will be even better.

Ha--reminds me of authors..the next book will be even better!

Did you have a garden this year? What were the high points? We won't discuss the low points!! If you don't garden, do you go to the farmers' market for fresh veggies and fruit? Are you planning a garden for next year? 
Please, leave a comment below and follow the J.Q. Rose by email. Add your email addy to the Follow by Email box in the sidebar so you won't miss the next article.
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Gardener Ted and I wrote an e-book packed with gardening tips. Yes, it's time to plan for next year!

Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening by Gardener Ted and J.Q Rose

Get your copy now--only 99 cents


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden, JQ! I love gardening, too. We moved house a few years ago, and now we only have a small back yard, but I prefer it, as I can stay on top of things. My roses have been my great delight this year. We've had a lot of rain, though - and slugs have been a nightmare! Happy fall gardening. Thanks for sharing your photos.

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh I hear ya', Helena. I hate those slugs--in our cabbage this year too. We had Japanese beetles attack my beautiful birthday rose bush. It is recovering and now has lots of buds on it. It seems the gardener is always in a battle with some kind of pests or plant disease.And yet, always optimistic about next year.!! I love roses, hence my pen name, J.Q. Rose. Enjoy your blooms. Thanks for commenting.

Marsha said...

I'm so impressed with your gardening. I mean you've got a large plot. Gorgeous pictures. Makes me realize I've been short on veggies of late. What kind of squash is that in the picture?
Bob grew tomatoes back in the day and oh, my they tasted super, but now I try to stop by the Farmers market for supplies. Nice reminder to do that this Saturday, too.
I always wonder about the "Rose" name. Thanks for sharing, and I'll share. :)

Susan Bernhardt said...

J.Q., you and Gardner Ted definitely have green thumbs! I love the photos of your garden. Every year I would plan my garden in the winter, make hope that it would be the best year ever for gardening! I've experimented with many different vegetables, herbs, etc. Sorry to say I don't have the green thumb my father and grandmother had, but I've always kept trying.

This summer I've had some lovely flowers and delicious raspberries, but we planted grass in the back and took out the garden. We have so many trees with too much shade and plan to possibly put our home up for sale next spring.

We will have many changes. My husband is retiring in the next month.

Thank you for a wonderful post. So positive.


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha, We have farmers markets here too in about every small town in our county. Getting ramped up to sell those delicious Michigan apples, pumpkins, squash, apple pies, apple cider...mmmm. Making me hungry now thinking about it. The squash in the picture is butternut squash. Thanks for sharing!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, Congrats to your husband on retirement! What a new exciting adventure waits you both with so many changes. I cannot take any credit for the garden. That's Ted's world. He does everything, even the harvesting too. Plus he loves cooking up pickled beets, green beans boiled with potatoes, onions, ham/bacon, etc, and baking zucchini cake. I'm a lucky girl. Speaking of retirement, a garden is a life saver for keeping him busy. Raspberries, yum! Do you make jam?
Thanks for stopping by.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Thanks, J.Q. It will be an exciting adventure when Bill retires. I know my writing will definitely be decreased. I plan to only write two days a week. He has lots of interests. He will never be bored.

Yes, I do make jam. I hadn't made jam for many years, but this summer I made raspberry jam. When we lived in Washington State I made several kinds: apricot, peach, strawberry, plum. We had a plum tree heavy with fruit. That was my favorite kind of jam. I'm sure there were others. All were displayed on a shelf in our pantry.

Gardener Ted is amazing. Tell him I said that. :)

Miss Mae said...

Fantastic post and I simply adored those photos. Wish we could make a garden like this! I've always been blessed with a brown thumb, so I know enough to stay away from trying to grow things. LOL

Love fresh veggies from the garden. It's THE only way to go. We come from the earth, we must eat from the earth, simple as that.

Kinda sad to think he's getting the land ready for winter, huh? Yet, the good earth has worked hard all summer. It now needs a deserved nap. :)

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