Monday, September 28, 2015

My Writers Group at Art Hop 2015, Giveaway

My writers group at the Fremont Harvest Festival 2015
L-R: J.Q. Rose, W.S. Gager, Joselyn Vaughn, Tess Grant
What a delightful afternoon and evening on Friday night. My writers group got together for a book signing during the Art Hop in my town. Thirty artists took part in the annual  The inaugural Art Hop included thirty plus artists in the Harvest Festival and yes, the committee considered authors as artists too--the art of writing.

Street musicians added to the festivity along two blocks of Main St. downtown. (That would be our entire business district!) The weather was perfect for the event and the lovely day/evening brought out the crowds.

The venues were downtown businesses and we were assigned to the Coldwell Bankers Schmidt Real Estate Office. We were in the front entry, a bit cramped, but cozy, We had a lot of traffic and had a great time with visitors, many familiar faces, but also new folks.
Tess Grant and I shared a table.
When my first mystery, Sunshine Boulevard, was released in March 2011, I told visitors the mystery was an e-book. Most people stared blankly at me. What was an e-book? Times have changed! We actually had folks who not only knew what an e-book is, but they read e-books! Woot woot. Still many, even e-book readers, call the print books, "real" books.

I didn't have my book cover for my fall release from Books We Love, so I made this sign for the display.
Deadly Undertaking sign
I offered a FREE copy of Deadly Undertaking in a drawing and had the registration sheet under the sign. Besides providing a box for their name and email address, I also asked if they read e-books. I'd hate to award the winner an e-book when the reader doesn't even read them.

We enjoyed snacks provided by the hosts, balloons on our sign from the Festival Committee, and a lot of camaraderie with readers and authors.
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Come back on Thursday, October 1, for the book cover reveal of Deadly Undertaking!!
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Celebrating Back to School 
with a drawing to give-away my e-book to inspire and empower girls, 

Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women

Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women
Register now to win this e-book for a girl in your life.
I’m giving away the book to a lucky winner in the drawing. 

Connect online with J.Q. Rose:
Smashwords Author page


J.Q. Rose said...

I placed a pig on the display table because a pig and kangaroo are part of a sub-plot in Coda to Murder. I thought it would be a great conversation starter, but I don't think one person asked why it was there! The sign in its mouth says welcome, so maybe they just thought it was a welcome sign?

Helena Fairfax said...

Sounds a great event, JQ. Wish I could have come. Great idea to do a draw for your new release. Perhaps you could save all the email addresses in case you ever want to launch a newsletter.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Helena. No plan for a newsletter, but I will contact the winner and the others to let them know when the book is out and available for purchase. hee hee

Marsha said...

Sounds like a great time, JQ. Love that you almost have your new cover. You handled the lack brilliantly. And giving away an ecopy of it is super.

I don't do newsletters either, but will probably have to start one. You've got a great start with this list.

Congrats. I'll share.

Susan Bernhardt said...

J.Q., it sounded like a good time at the harvest festival. A great way to get involved with your neighbor and the locals.

I didn't know you had a book coming out with BWL. That's wonderfu! The blurb sounds great. Best wishes for it.

I love all of the photos and especially the one of your writing group. :)


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha, I'm going to reveal the cover on Thursday! Pretty exciting time. I just got the final edit back this afternoon, so I'll go through it again and then, it will be published. Don't know exactly how soon after the publisher receives it, but you can bet I'll let everyone know when it is live!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, The festival was a lot of fun. I was with my crit group today for my last visit with them until next spring. Going to miss those folks. The background of the writing group photo is Main St in Fremont. Wish we didn't have so many cars in the way so folks could see it better. But having cars is good because it was busy!!

Tess Grant said...

Had a great time at the Art Hop with you, JQ! And I can't wait for that cover reveal... :)

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