Monday, August 17, 2015

Sunflowers, Vegetable Garden, and Internal Dialogue

Sunflowers in our garden
Summer is a wonderful time of the year. I can make that statement because:
1. We've had some fun-filled times together with our family. (Even getting the grandkids all to ourselves so we can spoil them!) 
2. Our garden is growing fantastically-super-great!

New beginnings for gardeners in the spring
Every year Gardener Ted faces a blank plot of soil, but he doesn't see it as an impossible piece of work. He sees it as an opportunity. Gardeners are the most optimistic people in the world in the spring time. They work up the ground, plan where each veggie will be planted, and can practically taste the first red tomato on their taste buds even as they place the tiny seedling in the ground. Time is carefully spent nurturing the plant, covering it when the frost bites, watering when Mother Nature doesn't provide, fretting when the sun doesn't shine. The entire spring is filled with enthusiasm and hope that this will be THE garden, the best ever grown this year.

Finally, this year, THE garden sprang from that soil, a very successful, rewarding, delicious garden. 

That empty plot of soil kind of reminds me of facing the blank page or blank screen on my laptop. I don't view it as hopeless, but I am thrilled to begin a new story/project and "nurture" it into a piece of writing to entertain, inspire, and inform readers.

Garden Update with pictures by J.Q. Rose:
Our sweet corn is beautiful.
Sweet corn graced by cheery sunflowers
Sweet corn close up

Lip smackin' good boiled in the pot.
So sweet and tasty you don't need to butter and salt it.
(but of course, I do!!)
I hope you don't think I'm bragging. I don't have bragging rights. I don't grow the corn or pick it. I just cook it in the pan. Gardener Ted is in charge of growing and harvesting, and he would never crow about his hard work.

At this moment we are getting tons of green peppers, tomatoes, corn, lettuce, carrots, and he and our granddaughter just picked twenty-five pounds of potatoes this weekend!
Quite a team. Grandpa digs up the taters
and our granddaughter throws them in the buckets.
How about you? Do you grow a vegetable garden? Are you being rewarded for your hard work?
How do you cook corn-on-the-cob? Boil? Grill? Microwave?
# # # # 
Internalized Dialogue
In a post last week, I offered two examples of how I treated thoughts or internalized dialogue in the manuscript--in italics or paraphrases. I came across a helpful blog post on this subject by Marcy Kennedy. Here's a bit of what she said on the Writers in the Storm Blog.

"Technique #4  Save direct internal dialogue for the most important thoughts.
Direct internal dialogue is dialogue that’s written in first person, present tense. I’ll show you an example to make sure it’s clear what I mean.
Emily pasted a smile on her face. I still hate you. I’ll never stop hating you. “Long time no see. How have you been?”
Because direct internal dialogue is in first person, present tense—even when we’re writing in a third person, past tense story—we need to italicize it. But the italics draw a lot of attention to it.
Most internal dialogue can be written as indirect internal dialogue (where we stay in the same person and tense as the story). I’ll give you another quick example so you can see the difference.
Emily pasted a smile on her face. She still hated him. She’d never stop hating him. “Long time no see. How have you been?”
That’s indirect internal dialogue, and staying in the same tense helps it flow naturally with what’s around it.
Emphasizing a thought through direct internal dialogue should be done sparingly, when we really need to draw attention to an important thought. It’s like exclamation marks. They lose their oomph if you pepper your pages with them.
Find the complete blog post at Writers in the Storm Blog-5 Techniques for Amazing Internal Dialogue by guest blogger, Marcy Kennedy.
Check out Marcy's book, Internal Dialogue, for more information.


Unknown said...

Gorgeous garden! Way to go, Gardener Ted! And thank you for the tip about internal dialogue - very helpful. Enjoy the rest of summer!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Heather. I'll pass along your compliment to Gardener Ted. Glad you found the tip about internal dialogue helpful. There's always something more to learn about writing. You have a great summer too!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Your garden looks fabulous! Reminds me of when I was little. My mother was an excellent gardener. Me, not so much. Though my husband loves it. I am so impressed with your photos. Very impressive.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Joylene. It's a great hobby for him and rewards the whole family and neighbors with delish veggies.

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