Monday, July 6, 2015

Nova Scotia Travel, How to Get into the Mindset for Writing

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog!

Along the Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton area of Nova Scotia
I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day or Fourth of July holiday. In my case, I was in Canada for Canada Day and home in time for the Fourth! We spent twelve jam-packed days in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. We met friendly folks, tried the local food, and saw spectacular scenery. Yes, I'll share some of the photos and stories on the Travelogue in the near future. 

Lunenberg, NS, Canada
After a vacation from the everyday routine, it takes a bit to get back into the writing process. But the break was so helpful for my writing. I was inspired by our trip and filled with new energy for writing, especially wrapping up my WIP. This week I am making a conscious decision to write, setting my mind into getting into the groove. How do I do that? Here are a few ideas you may want to try to help you focus on your writing mindset.

How to Get into the Mindset for Writing by J. Q. Rose

Mindset is an attitude about what you are going to do. It's not just for writing. You need to have a mindset to lose weight, stop smoking, cleaning the house, going on vacation, etc. The mindset determines how you approach your plan.

  • Be positive about your writing. Don't second-guess about your work. Just sit down and write it. Nobody else is going to see it but you. You don't need to please anyone. Writing is like learning to ride a bike.The more you ride the better you get. The more you write, the better writer you will be.

  • Believe that you do have a story to tell and one that will entertain and/or inform others. Think how much you can enrich lives with your writing. 

  • Remove distractions. You know what I'm getting at here, don't you? No cell phone, no Internet, no throwing in another load of laundry. 

  • Take time to breathe. Calm your mind and focus on your story or article. Don't even start a sentence until you can concentrate only at the task at hand.

  • Schedule a time during the day to write. Just like keeping your doctor or dentist appointment, make a time for writing. I decided to write fiction after lunch every day and soon it became a habit. I felt cheated if I didn't get to sit down and write at that time. I don't set my mind to a fixed word count or certain amount of time for writing. I don't want to quit when I'm on a roll or feel I HAVE to fill up the time slot. 

  • Say with pride and certainty, "I am a writer.
# # # #
How about you? How do you set your mind to write?

Travelogue the World from Your Desk Chair

The Travelogue will resume on Thursdays. Come back to visit more marvelous places with these authors as your tour guides: Stan Hampton, Helena Fairfax, Marsha West, Joselyn Vaughn, and Eric Price.

Don't miss out on any blog posts. Sign up now to follow the J.Q. Rose blog by email. Thank you.



emaginette said...

I'm so jealous. I've always wanted to check out the east coast. :-) After a trip like that I'm sure inspiration is on your tail and will knock your socks off. Try staying still long enough for it to catch up to you. hehehe

Anna from Elements of Writing

J.Q. Rose said...

I just wish I had made notes along the route of what inspired me and scribbled down the ideas!! i kept a journal of our daily doings, but by bedtime, I was too exhausted to stay up and write out any of fabulous ideas I had during the day. I was inspired by visiting Green Gables. Yes, the place where L.M. MOntgomery set her famed Anne of Green Gables series. Join me on Thursday for the travelogue of Green Gables!

Marsha said...

I've never been to Nova Scotia, JQ. Your pictures are certainly an inspiration. Can't wait for the full blog post about your trip.
Great ideas on how to get the writing thing done. I agree. Attitude is everything. Believe you can succeed and you can. :)

I don't write new stuff everyday--other than social media and blog posts. I tend to do best if I do the creative part away from the editing and rewrites. Just engages a different par to the brain. To help get in the creative mode, I place a small stuffed dog I've named Scruffy where I can see him on my computer. He reminds me to have fun and to keep the critic packed away in a box.
Will definitely share this post.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha, So cute to have Scruffy as your creative companion! What a delightful way to get into your writing mindset. You would love NS. Reminds me a bit of Maine with all the quaint fishing towns.

Looking forward to your travelogue about NM too!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice article and your post.

Looking forward to read more from your blog.

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J.Q. Rose said...

Hello Shaikh Reza, You're welcome. I glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

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